3 Signs Your Crown Chakra Is Blocked

A lot of people go most of their lives without opening or balancing their chakras, and when they finally do, the crown chakra is usually the last to open.

Opening and balancing chakras are important because it keeps us properly in-tune with the rest of the universe and all the creatures and plants in it.

Just because you’ve activated your crown chakra doesn’t mean it stays open all the time, either. Whether you are suffering from a blocked crown chakra or you are on the verge of activation, there are some common symptoms most people feel when their crown chakra is blocked.

What are the symptoms your crown chakra is blocked? Blocked crown chakra symptoms include a need to control your surroundings, depression, anxiety, and things like chronic fatigue, migraines, and amnesia. There can be physical, mental, and spiritual symptoms that are usually felt when a crown chakra is blocked.

Once you are aware of your chakras and the symptoms that pop up when they are blocked, you can begin to open them. Below are not only symptoms of a blocked crown chakra but tips for opening it and maintaining balance as well.

The 3 Main Symptoms Your Crown Chakra Is Blocked

There is nothing more annoying than a chakra that’s been activated, but that suffers from a blockage.

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It can cause all sorts of problems in the physical world as well as the spiritual world. In fact, there are three main categories of symptoms most people feel of when their crown chakra is blocked.

These three categories include physical symptoms, mental symptoms, and spiritual symptoms.

That said, everyone is different.

Most people might go their entire lives without experiencing any symptoms. Others, on the other hand, might be extremely sensitive to changes in the body and notice symptoms as soon as an imbalance occurs.

Regardless, below is a closer look of the physical, mental, and spiritual symptoms that arise when the crown chakra is blocked:

Mental Symptoms

woman with anxiety from blocked crown chakra

Most people don’t realize it, but their negative outlook on life is caused in part by a crown chakra that is blocked or out of balance.

The thing about mental symptoms, though, is they can be hard to pin-point. However, if you are having uncontrollable negative thoughts, that is a good indication your crown chakra is blocked.

Some other common mental symptoms include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Controlling behavior
  • Destructive behavior
  • Dissociation
  • Greed
  • Narcissism
  • Bleak, emotionless outlook of the world
  • Feeling a sense of abandonment

Perhaps the biggest giveaway that someone’s crown chakra is blocked is if they have feelings of skepticism towards a higher power.

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This skepticism ranges from slight to intense, depending on the type of blockage. Maybe the person feels a sense of abandonment from the spiritual world on a subconscious level, and he or she adopts that same mentality toward humanity as well.

This feeling can then lead to a multitude of others, including controlling and destructive behavior, and greed.

The hardest part about unblocking the crown chakra is convincing someone of this nature that their behavior and mentality are indeed a result of a blocked chakra.

Mainly because someone in this position most likely won’t believe in a “crown chakra” anyways.

That is why spirituality is a solitary journey.

You cannot be told a lesson.

You must experience it for yourself.

When you are suffering from mental health issues, it can be hard to find the motivation to help yourself.

However, if you start to focus on opening and balancing your crown chakra, you will undoubtedly see the mental symptoms dissipate. It is a long and oftentimes confusing journey, but unblocking your crown chakra will literally open your life up to a new world and a new way of life.

Physical Symptoms

woman tired from blocked crown chakra

When it comes to experiencing physical symptoms, the main thing that you see across the board is how the person reacts to these symptoms.

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It isn’t necessarily about what the symptom is or what part of the body hurts.

Rather, you are listening for the kind of vocabulary the person uses when talking about the ailment. If the person or yourself talk about your physical ailments as if the world is punishing you through your condition, you could very well be suffering from a blocked crown chakra.

That said, there are definitely still some physical symptoms to look out for, namely, if the person in question experiences these symptoms in combination with the mentality mentioned above.

Some physical symptoms of a blocked crown chakra are:

  • Coordination issues
  • Chronic headaches and migraines
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Amnesia
  • Hair loss
  • Pituitary gland malfunctions

Opening and balancing your chakras is the conscious act of balancing your energy and your bodily flow within the universe.

In a sense, you are actively…


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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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