Kundalini Awakening: What it is & How Crystals Can Help

INSIDE: By studying the etheric flow of our chakras, we are likely to come head-to-head with our kundalini energy. Through kundalini awakening, we can attain the apex of spiritual manifestation, enlightenment, and divine consciousness.


A part of our brain can react to unconscious influences and our deep rooted, unexpressed beliefs. Unconsciousness isn’t always a bad thing, but it can keep us from accessing our true spiritual potential.

By understanding kundalini energy flow, we can gain consciousness in our spiritual truths and begin to manifest them in our physical world. 

A kundalini awakening acts like the process of emerging from sedation, anesthesia, or a coma. In unconsciousness, our brain disconnects thoughts and feelings into distant fragments, but as we come to consciousness, brain activity flows together again to make sense. 

We need to gain consciousness of our kundalini energy. Through meditative processes and kundalini crystals, we can channel the process to make sense of the myriad beliefs, experiences, and desires we hold in the context of a great spiritual revelation. 

Chakra Stones

What is Kundalini Energy?

Kundalini energy resides in everyone’s spiritual realm. Most often, it is personified as a coiled snake wound 3.5 times around the base of the spine at our root chakra. 

This “Serpent Power,” another name for what is kundalini energy, can be hard to describe in our material, physical world. It is very much an experience that transports us from merely understanding our physical and mental energies to fully realizing our spiritual and unconscious truths.

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Thus, kundalini energy, in its dormant state, contains our potential for enlightenment and divine understanding. In order to access it, we must undergo a kundalini awakening experience.

Kundalini energy travels through the sushumna nadi, an energetic channel that runs along the spine, almost like an etheric spinal cord.

As the kundalini uncurls from the root chakra, it moves up the spine, through each of our chakras, until it pierces the crown chakra to emerge and cloak us in awakened energy.

When kundalini energy has completed its ascent through the chakras, you will reach a state of transcendence. Kundalini activates and cleanses every chakra for its maximal spiritual benefit and transports you to a higher consciousness. 

This energy will illuminate your unique spiritual path and give you the courage and stamina to travel it.

Kundalini activation is an intense journey that we should explore slowly and carefully. The information that follows will help you to better understand kundalini energy and the powerful experience that comes with kundalini awakening.

Understanding Kundalini Energy

Signs of Kundalini Activation

If the kundalini awakening experience happens, how will you really know?

Kundalini activation can occur in different ways, which we’ll discuss below. But keep in mind that it might manifest in different sensations throughout the body, and no two people will have the exact same journey.

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Many describe a tingling current that they feel almost like an electric shockwave up the spine.

Most often there will be some sort of spinal sensation, such as warm and cold winds shooting through the sushumna nadi. Your body can also produce intense heat during a kundalini awakening. 

You might experience vibrations pulsate through your extremities, your arms, legs, fingers, toes, and to your head. Some people report having divine visions or paranormal meetings during the process.

Following an experience, you will feel an emotional high, but this may come with mixed energies. On the one hand, you’ll find ecstasy and pure joy, but this can also invite lower depressive states as our enlightened, energetic body comes into balance.

A by-product of awakened kundalini energy is voracious sexuality. Kundalini energy fuels our desire to create our spiritual life, and sexual passion is an ingrained embodiment of creation. 

Tumbled Stones

How to Initiate the Kundalini Awakening Process

The kundalini awakening process should be approached and handled with extreme sensitivity and care. Of course, for some, it happens spontaneously and naturally without any concerted effort to channel kundalini energy flow.

In that case, a person has most likely spent time balancing and supporting their chakra health simply for the benefits of a healthy, flowing energetic system. Because their chakras are well-tuned with positive energy, kundalini energy naturally unwinds – it wants to awaken and release.

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For others, kundalini awakening needs to be a practiced, guided experience. Consulting with an expert in kundalini energy and chakra healing will ensure that you safely undertake this spiritual process. That way, you’ll learn what to expect because, for some, the process can be uncomfortable.

Chakras that have blockages can cause major issues if kundalini energy tries to flow through them. Blocked kundalini energy realized in the middle of the process has seriously compromised people’s health.

Kundalini Awakening

How to…

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