Sigil Magic – Unlocking the Secret World of Symbols | Welcome To Wicca Now

Hi, lovelies! Today I thought we’d learn about sigil magic together. In case you’re reading this thinking ‘what the heck is a sigil’ don’t worry!  I’ll explain everything you need to know as well as providing you with some step by step info on how you can use sigil magic yourself. I hope you enjoy this topic as much as I do!

If you want to learn more about magick and spell casting, check out these posts on manifesting, our spellcasting 101, this guide to what spells actually are and this post about magickal symbols as well as this one specifically about protection symbols.

What is Sigil Magic?

Sigil magic involves using the power of symbols to help you clearly state your goals and intentions. Working with sigils will take your magic to the next level. This is because sigils work together with the power of your subconscious mind to optimise the power of your magic. 

loop rotating GIF by Psyklon
The ubiquitous yinyang symbol holds its roots in Taoism/Daoism, a Chinese religion and philosophy. The yin, the dark swirl, is associated with shadows, femininity, and the trough of a wave; the yang, the light swirl, represents brightness, passion and growth.

So what exactly is a sigil? For those of you unfamiliar with the term, sigils can sound quite mysterious. In truth, a sigil is not mysterious at all but simply a practical tool which can be used to enhance your magical practice. A sigil is literally just a symbol which has been charged with magical intent. Because symbols have always played an important rule within human cultures (think about the ancient cave painting or Egyptian hieroglyphs), working with sigils is something that comes naturally to us. If you’re unsure about the difference between a symbol, a sign and a sigil, check out the following list:

  • A sign represents a point or an idea in a fairly clear and straightforward manner. Think of a road sign etc.
  • A symbol represents a more complex or abstract idea or concept. Symbols may have a hidden or deeper meaning or truth than what we see at first glance.
  • A sigil is a carved, drawn or painted symbol which is believed to have magical powers.
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Working with sigils will literally supercharge your magic. In order to understand how sigil magic works, I’ve broken down the process into an easy to follow step by step guide below. Enjoy!

Our 3 Main Points for Creating and Using Sigil Magic

Sigil Magic – Creating Your Personal Sigil

The first step in working with Sigil magic is to form a very clear intent about what you would like to achieve. This might be something like ‘I would like to receive a promotion at work’. It is often useful to physically write this intention or goal down on paper as this will help to increase the power of the intention. Always write in the present tense. Such as ‘I will receive a promotion at work’, rather than ‘I would like to receive a promotion at work’. 

promotion months GIF
This is what you want to look like when you receive that promotion you wanted!

So, for the example we write onto a piece of paper:


Once you have written this onto the paper, the next step is to scramble the words. A common tactic is to remove one of the repeating letters. This would leave you with something like:


Alternatively, you could remove ALL of the repeating letters AND the vowels. This would leave you with something like:

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Once you have done this you simply overlap the letters creating an abstract design. This can look any way you wish. I’ve included an example for you below. The means of creating a sigil can be as abstract or as simple as you like. It’s really up to you. 

a homemade sigil for receiving a promotion at work using the letters CVPMNK
An example of a sigil, simply created by overlaying letters.

Once you are happy with the sigil you’ve created its time to move to the next step. This means giving the sigil you have designed a physical base. If you are planning to destroy the sigil once you have finished with your spell, I’d recommend simply tracing the design onto paper. Alternatively, if you plan on keeping the Sigil in the form of a talisman you may consider burning it onto wood, carving it, forming it from metal or embroidering it onto a beautiful piece of cloth.

Sigil Magic –  Sigil Spell Casting

Now that you have crafted a personal sigil it is time to use it within your spellwork. The idea, as with all spell casting, is to release internal energies so that they might manifest your desired outcome in the physical world. Spellcasting with sigils requires three distinct steps:

  1. Charge the sigil with your energy. The simplest way to do this is to stare at the sigil until you almost begin to hallucinate. It can and should feel uncomfortable to stare at the sigil for this long. The more uncomfortable it is, the higher the level of energy. The point here is that the sigil becomes associated with a heightened feeling. Some witches also like to charge their sigils by staring at…
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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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