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In a holistic nursing career, spirit and emotion are just as important to wellness as the mind and the body; and the philosophy of caring and interconnectedness is fused with knowledgeable nursing practice.

The holistic health field recognizes the totality of the human being, integrating natural healing with clinical practice to treat people’s physiological, psychological and spiritual needs. Similarly, this type of nursing helps to complement more traditional methods for a well-rounded, complementary approach.

What is a holistic nurse?

A holistic nurse is a board-certified registered nurse (RN) who incorporates a mind-body-spirit-emotion approach to patient care—akin to the philosophy of holistic medicine schools. To assist patients in maintaining a healthy balance of mind, body, and spirit, these nurses frequently urge patients to include self-care, self-responsibility, spirituality, and introspection in their lives. 

A holistic approach to nursing care focuses on treating the patient as a whole rather than only addressing the symptoms of their current disease. Holistic nursing care approach patients from a different angle and look at their lifestyles to find clues about how to enhance their overall health and wellness rather than treating a specific problem.

Holistic nurse practitioners often incorporate complementary therapies into patient care, relying on eastern and western medical traditions, such as aromatherapy. In addition, they employ holistic medicine, not just as a treatment method but to prevent disease, as well. It operates under the idea that a person’s complete physical and mental well-being can reduce their risk of becoming ill.

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Core principles of holistic nursing

The American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA) defines the following principles as the bedrock of holistic nursing:

  • Holistic caring process: A holistic nurse enhances the standard of care by treating patients as whole beings—recognizing that holistic health is a multidimensional condition.
  • Communication, environment, and cultural diversity: The three pillars of holistic nursing care are communication, a therapeutic healing environment, and cultural diversity. A holistic nurse, therefore, effectively communicates with their patients and cares about the well-being of their environment using environmentally friendly practices and treatments. Additionally, they are aware of the diversity of their community and know how to apply cultural traditions to the healing process.
  • Nurse self-reflection and self-care: A holistic nurse practitioner assesses their own performance in light of existing laws and standards and identifies areas for improvement. They also practice self-care by encouraging a good balance between work and personal life, controlling stress, and enhancing their general well-being.
  • Education and research: A holistic nurse stays current on developments and trends in the industry, such as holistic nutrition and studying therapeutic modalities from various sources and putting them into action.

What does a holistic nurse do?

Registered and holistic nurses undertake the same tasks, including running tests, identifying illnesses, and managing patients, but a holistic nurse practitioner has additional responsibilities to aid the patient’s physical, emotional and spiritual recovery.

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Firstly, they combine Eastern and Western medical approaches in hopes of improving patient care and boosting the body’s natural healing processes. Additionally, they assist patients in finding the alternative therapy that is most appropriate for them. They also assist in controlling patient stress and anxiety.

Although excellent holistic nurses possess the same professional abilities as typical RNs, the deeper connection a holistic nurse practitioner strives to establish with patients sets them apart. They understand their problems, pay close attention to detail, are observant, kind, good listeners, view patients as a whole, and place equal focus on patients’ emotional and physical health.

In a holistic context, a nurse sees a health problem as a reflection of how individuals live and care for themselves. So when they engage with their patients, they look at the health condition and the entire lifestyle that contributes to it. Then, to help heal and avoid recurrence, they suggest various measures to alleviate the issue, such as dietary adjustments, stress-relieving workouts, and more.

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