7 Spiritual Meanings of Dreaming in a Dream: Is it Normal?

What is the spiritual meaning of dreaming in a dream? Why does this happen? Let’s find out!

Dreams are a special part of our lives. This is why we must never take them for granted. One of the ways the universe communicates with us is through dreams.

No matter how your dream turns out, it is still a sign from the universe – either good or bad. Understanding this will help you to embrace the different messages that come through dreams.

One of the ways to also understand what the universe is saying through dreams is what you experience in those dreams. Amongst all of these experiences is a special but rare experience called dreaming in a dream.

Undoubtedly, dreaming in a dream is a spiritual experience. It is almost like experiencing a flashback in another flashback.

This is a very rare experience. This is why it is special and should be treated as such.

It looks like a box of paradoxes, where two opposite things are happening together.

  • How can you be dreaming, and still see yourself dreaming?
  • How possible is it to see yourself dreaming in a dream?

These questions require an answer, and we will discuss them in detail.

Therefore, if you desire to find answers concerning the spiritual meaning of dreaming in a dream, you should read this article till the end.

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Is it Normal to Dream within a Dream?

Dreams and confusion

This experience is called a false awakening. Psychology and medical science believe that dreaming within a dream is one of the ways that your body deceives you.

It gives you this subtle feeling that you are awake, when in fact, you are not. This is not a medical condition. It is believed that reducing stress and anxiety can cure the situation. 

However, the spiritual realm believes in the opposite.

Whenever it comes to having dreams within a dream, it is a spiritual condition.

This is beyond normal. It is a deliberate attempt of the universe to get your attention. Sometimes, this will happen to you whenever a message has to be delivered urgently.

Dreaming within a dream is spiritual, and not normal.

This is why it is rare. You might not have this experience in 5 years. The universe rarely uses this experience to speak to us.

However, whenever they do, it is best to listen to the message and act on further instructions. Whenever you dream within a dream, never treat it as a normal phenomenon.

Why do we have Dreams within Dreams?

Dreams within dreams meaning

Several reasons contribute to having dreams within dreams. Let us discuss them in this section:

  1. You will have dreams within dreams whenever you are anxious about something. You see, it is believed that our desires, anxieties, and passions have a way of affecting the things we see in our dreams, and the experiences we have in our dreams.
    • This is why it is advisable to clear your mind off every anxiety before you sleep. Sleeping with anxiety might cause having dreams within dreams. This is a major reason for such experiences. 
  1. Whenever the spiritual world has a message for you, you might have dreams within dreams.
    • Sometimes, the message is important, but because of your lack of attentiveness, the universe will have to insert it into your dreams. This is why you will suddenly see yourself dreaming in a dream. Now, this is not a bad condition. 
  1. You will have dreams within dreams whenever you are trying to manipulate what you see. Now, this is the bad one.
    • The reason for this is that the manipulation will disrupt the flow of energy from your soul, sever your connection with the spiritual world (while you sleep), and distort the pure images from the spiritual world. 
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These 3 reasons are common among why we have dreams within dreams. Now, let us discuss the different spiritual meanings of having dreams within dreams.

Spiritual Meaning of Dreaming in a Dream: 7 Messages

Spiritual Meaning of Dreaming in a Dream

When you dream in a dream, it is not a normal situation. I am sure that you understand and believe this already. There is a spiritual side to having dreams in a dream, and we will discuss this right away.

Whenever you dream within a dream, the following 7 spiritual meanings can be gleaned from that experience.

1) Self-deceit

This is majorly a warning sign from the spiritual world. Having a dream within a dream means self-deceit.

It is saying that you are hiding under a false mindset that everything is alright – when in reality, everything is not.

This type of mindset will blind you from the truth, it will blind you from doing the important things, and also slow you down on your journey to success.

2) Too many spiritual messages are coming at once

Yes, this is another spiritual meaning. Every dream we have is believed to be a message from the divine.

Therefore, whenever you begin to have dreams within a dream, it is a connection to several spiritual messages.

This means that the spiritual world is trying to send many messages to you at once. Most times, the dreams will unfold within each other because the messages…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in angelicalbalance.com. All the rights of content are owned by angelicalbalance.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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