10 Best Crystals To Use When Studying (Perfect For Focus)

Have you got finals coming up soon? Do you find it hard to concentrate when studying? Is the stress getting on top of you?

Have no fear, the healing powers of crystals are here to help you!

College and university can be super stressful!

Sometimes it can be really hard to keep yourself disciplined, and finding the balance between work and play can be difficult. The pressures of studying and learning can get to anyone, but there are things that we can do to look after ourselves and bring about the focus that we need.

From creativity to self-love, crystals have amazing powers.

These powers have been used for centuries, and they have the ability to absorb energy and direct vibrations. This brings balance and peace to both the mind and the body.

As stress and distraction are different vibrations of energy, we can use crystals to aid in these issues.

The 10 Best Crystals That Are Perfect For Focus When Studying

There are so many different healing crystals out there and each one has their own special qualities and bring different things into your life.

So, let’s look at the best crystals for helping you focus when studying!


Focus Crystal Amethyst

If you are new to crystal healing, obtaining an amethyst is the perfect first step!

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This crystal is highly spiritual and helps you develop a protective shield of light around you, connecting you to higher consciousness.

That is just the start of the benefits of amethysts!

This stone is perfect for meditation and helps focus your mind, allowing you to stay centered. When studying, having this crystal nearby will help you concentrate on the task at hand.

Amethysts help you develop peaceful thoughts and therefore are great for stress relief!

They also are known to bring about restful sleep, so having one by your bedside is a great idea in order to get the rest you need for a full day of studying in the library.

Check out Exquisite Crystals for a great selection of amethysts you can use.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz For Focus

This is another crystal that has many healing benefits and so is a staple for a lot of spiritual people. Clear quartz is fantastic in aiding focus when studying.

This crystal has the ability to hold onto information and can be charged for different purposes.

It also can be used to enhance the vibrations from other stones as it reflects energy.

Clear quartz has cleansing energy that affects the intellect and therefore can be used to clear your mind of distractions when you are needing focus. It allows you to have a better connection with the world.

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Check out some great clear quartz here.

Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s Eye crystal for study focus

The tiger’s eye crystal is a beautiful stone and has a lot of spiritual powers. An interesting rock of oranges and browns, this stone not only looks good but can be an amazing addition to your studying crystal collection!

This is a really powerful stone, so great for people who are beginning their spiritual journey. It has strong calming vibrations that relieve anxiety and stress.

This crystal has always been used as a way of protection, with Roman warriors and Ancient Egyptians both appearing to have used it to enhance their bravery and luck.

When it comes to exams or coursework, sometimes we need a little bit of bravery and luck, so why not use the tiger’s eye crystal when you are studying!

Check this selection of Tigers Eye you can use when you study.

Blue Sodalite

Blue Sodalite

This crystal of deep blue enhances calmness and rational thought.

When it comes to studying, we can sometimes get a bit overwhelmed and start to not think straight!

Whether you’re studying for an exam or a test where you work, sometimes your mind runs away and starts to worry about the future. This means that you are ignoring what is important in the present.

If you are prone to a little bit of irrationality (it happens to the best of us!) and overthink and overstress, using blue sodalite is a perfect way to chill out and focus on what is important.

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This crystal soaks up brain fog, allowing us to see things clearly. Perfect for studying!

Black Agate

Help focus with Black Agate

When you are about to sit a final, you really don’t need any negative energy in your life.

You are a bit busy trying to pass an exam!

This means that having a black crystal is a must. The black agate is a perfect one for dispelling any negative energy, letting you focus on yourself and your studying.

This crystal grounds you as it stabilizes your root chakra. It makes sure that there are no negative thoughts ruminating in your mind, allowing you to see clearly.

It also has calming properties, so great if you are someone who easily gets stressed and negative when it comes to studying.

This crystal will repel all self-doubt and insecurities, allowing you to work hard and concentrate all your energy on your…


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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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