What Is Holy Fire Reiki? Explained! – Reiki Galore

Since Mikao Usui introduced (or reintroduced) Reiki to the world in the 1920s, more than 150 new forms of Reiki have developed. Most have evolved within the past few decades, as more people have opened their hearts and minds to new methods of spiritual and holistic healing.

Each one has its roots in Usui Reiki but offers something different, perhaps adding new symbols, or using particular mantras and meditations.

Holy Fire Reiki itself is described as a ‘spark of God’, the energy that exists within all things at all times. It is pure, unconditional love that transcends duality, masculine and feminine, it is the ‘source of creation’.

Holy Fire Reiki, introduced in 2014, is just one of those extra steps that some will choose. But what do we know about it?

Holy Fire Reiki – where did it come from?

Since 1989, when William Lee Rand became a Reiki Master, he has devoted his life to Reiki.

He is now a Senior Reiki Master, founder of the Center for Reiki Research, president of the Reiki Membership Association, as well founder and president of the ICRT (International Center for Reiki Training).

You really could not be more qualified in Reiki! As well as practicing this healing method from 1989 onwards, he has also taught full-time classes all around the globe.

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He has made it his mission to encourage Reiki practitioners everywhere to join together in bringing peace and healing to the world.

In January 2014, he was ‘given’ the attunement to this new aspect quite unexpectedly.

Over the course of three days, during sessions with his spiritual adviser, he suddenly received the instructions and information about Holy Fire and was soon teaching it to his students.

How is it any different?

Those who have been attuned to this new aspect of Reiki often describe how it feels more ‘refined’, giving a more powerful and effective energy, yet still being gentle at the same time. Some of the attributes of Holy Fire Reiki are as follows:

  • Once attuned, your personality tends to develop, becoming more loving (to yourself and others), kinder, more patient, enthusiastic, confident, optimistic, and so on.
  • You feel guided at all times through all of life’s trials and circumstances.
  • You gain a deep feeling of being loved, which supports and nurtures you.
  • Worry is replaced by a profound sense of safety.
  • Healing goes deeper and acts quickly.
  • Relationships and interactions with others receive healing.
  • It always respects free will!
  • It continues to work in the background while you are getting on with life, and it heals issues as and when they arise.
  • After attunement, this energy continues to evolve to become even more effective.
  • The violet breath and Tibetan symbols received during previous attunements will be replaced with the Holy Fire.
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Why is it called ‘Holy Fire’?

Since its introduction, questions have been raised about this new branch of Reiki. Firstly, the name invokes a possible connection with Christian ideology.

The New Testament, in Acts 2, gives the account of the disciples of Jesus receiving the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost;

“They saw tongues like flames of fire that separated, and one rested on each of them.”

William Lee Rand makes no excuse for this apparent link, answering this question (as well as addressing other issues) very clearly.

To those who claim that the name is ‘religious’, he points out that although Reiki is not affiliated to any religion, no religion owns the names of God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit.

These entities existed before humans formed the idea of religion, and any objections to the use of their names by others are purely based on dogma or narrow-minded opinions.

Holy Fire Reiki

Some Reiki practitioners, William Lee Rand included use aspects of Christianity in their teaching, without adhering to any religious ideology or dogma.

Having said this, any similarity in the term Holy Fire Reiki to the Holy Spirit is unintentional. It is used simply to describe a powerful, gentle, and purifying form of divine energy.

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To those who have emerged from a bad experience connected with a Christian upbringing, preferring to avoid religious terminology, William stresses that healing the trauma is a better path than keeping hold of that resentment and negativity.

How is it received?

At present, this method is taught only by licensed ICRT Reiki Master Teachers. The training takes place over three days.

Attunements are referred to as ‘ignitions’. As mentioned above, those undergoing training will find that the symbol for violet breath, along with the Tibetan symbols received in their previous training, will be replaced with the Master Symbol for Holy Fire.

Is it just a way to make more money?

Again, William answers this criticism comprehensively on the ICRT website. He draws attention to the fact that his classes are mostly full, some with long waiting lists. From a business perspective alone, introducing a new method when the previous one has proved so successful could be…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in reikigalore.com. All the rights of content are owned by reikigalore.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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