How Spiritual Awakening Works & What Crystals and Healing Stones to Us

INSIDE: We are experiencing a global shift right now, often referred to as The Great Awakening, the 5th dimension, the Age of Aquarius, and spiritual awakening. Here, you’ll discover how it all works and the 9 best crystals and healing stones to get you through.


With everything happening in the world right now, we can be sure that something big is occurring…

Something that isn’t what it seems. 

We’ve all heard terms like The Great Awakening, the 5th dimension, the Age of Aquarius, and spiritual awakening being tossed around.

Could this virus be ushering in a new paradigm of spiritual awareness? 

Let’s look at the energetic shifts that are taking place right now, as well as the crystals that can help us navigate through it all.

But before we get into the best crystals and healing stones for awakening, let’s discuss all of the different aspects of awakening.

In a hurry? Just click the following links to jump to where you want to go:

Two Different Aspects of The Great Awakening>>

What Does the Age of Aquarius Mean?>>

What is the 5th Dimension?>>

Spiritual Awakening Signs & Symptoms>>

The Best Crystals for Spiritual Awakening>>

Two Different Aspects of The Great Awakening

The Great Awakening is happening right now, and it’s not only a spiritual awakening to the fifth dimension but also an awakening to the truth of the illusion of corruptness we’ve been living under. 

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There’s two sides to this awakening…

1) Awakening to the Corruptness of Our World

We’re not going to really get into that aspect of The Great Awakening in this article, but suffice it to say, things aren’t what they seem and if you want to know the truth, you should do your own research. Be a truth seeker.

As the Q Anon movement says, take the red pill even though the the truth is hard to follow instead of the blue pill, which means ignorance is bliss.

2) Awakening Spiritually to the 5th Dimension

What we are really talking about here is the enormous spiritual awakening that is taking place on planet earth at this time.

We are waking up and shifting into a dimension that is no longer confined by the ego.

The higher self is coming to the forefront. As a result, we are experiencing an opening of the heart center as well as new and deeper psychic abilities. 

The Great Awakening is an evolution of the soul, and we’ll look at how that will happen below as well as the crystals and healing stones that can help the process.

Amethyst Geodes

What Does the Age of Aquarius Mean?

Otherwise known as the Aquarian Age, the Age of Aquarius is an astrological time period that we are coming into, helping to induce The Great Awakening. 

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As ages move in the opposite direction of the zodiac signs, we are now leaving behind the age of Pisces and moving into the Age of Aquarius.

New time periods take place about every 2160 years when we move into a new constellation in the zodiac, therefore it is thought that the Age of Aquarius will happen in the year 2160.

While that is still a ways away, we are at the end of the Age of Pisces, and more and more, we are feeling the influence of Aquarius upon us.

The Age of Pisces vs. The Age of Aquarius

The Age of Pisces has been all about power, control, money, and religion (specifically Christianity). It has been a time of reclusion and secrecy, one where our confessions were always made in private.

The Age of Aquarius, on the other hand, brings in harmony, cooperation, peace, humanitarianism, freedom, love, spiritual transformation, and a shift in consciousness.

It also brings in major technological advancements, wisdom, knowledge, thought, contemplation, innovation, and science.

The Internet and everything that stems from it has been put here by the universe to help expand our awareness of what is possible.

The next 140 years will be a great adventure with a lot of upheaval and change. As we progress into the Age of Aquarius, we will move from being influenced by religious leaders to our own personal moral standards.

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At the same time, technology will continue to expand, which can easily go against moral standards. It will be a great balancing act.

What Crystal is Best for Me Quiz

What is the 5th Dimension?

Until recently, we have been living within four known dimensions:

  1. 1st Dimension = Length (lines)
  2. 2nd Dimension = Height (2D objects)
  3. 3rd Dimension = Depth (3D objects) – Time and space/cause and effect (duality)
  4. 4th Dimension = Time – Here, we start to see moments of spiritual awakening, heart opening, feeling centered and uplifted, and spaciousness. We realize that time is not set and that we can manipulate it, creating faster manifestation, love, joy, and gratitude.

What the 5th Dimension Will Bring In

Now, we are starting to bring in the 5th dimension, which is much different than the world we are used to. We can describe it as follows:

  • Everything happens all at once (past, present, future at the same time) – This means you’ll be able to control your timeline and send info back and forward in time.
  • There is no illusion of…

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