Pink Crystals: Improve Your Relationships & Nurture Your Soul

INSIDE: Pink crystals are some of the best tools to have by your side as they improve our relationships, promote loving interactions, and improve your feelings of worthiness. Read on to learn more!


The relationship we have with others and ourselves greatly determines our personal fulfillment.

It’s no wonder that the results of research published in Medical News Today have shown that people who cultivate self-love are faster to recover from emotional turmoil.

When we accept ourselves and practice self-compassion, we are operating from a place of love, and love helps us heal faster. 

When past hurt leaves us feeling jaded and scared, however, we often find it difficult to return to that place of unconditional self-love. This experience is natural and very human, and thankfully, it isn’t permanent.

One of the best tools to help us practice kindness and empathy is by raising our vibration with pink crystals. Here is everything you need to know about their healing properties.

The Symbolism of Pink Gemstones

Pink is a loving and nurturing color. It is a color that reminds us of everything gentle and pure in our lives; the things that needs to be cherished and cared for.

Pink Crystals are associated with unlimited love and self-love, and their energy feels warm and tender.

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In crystal therapy, they are associated with the Heart Chakra.

When we think of pink, we think of everything soft and tender. Pink stones vibrate with things that are unconditional and are associated with romantic love, companionship, and the ability to connect.

These crystals also symbolize kindness, and child-like innocence, compassion, and virtue.

Spiritual Gifts

What Makes Pink Crystals So Healing?

When the heart chakra is blocked, we tend to feel like there’s always something missing from our lives, no matter how much we’ve achieved. The world seems like a gloomy and dangerous place, and we are fearful to open up and trust.

A blocked heart space reflects not only on our intimate relationships but our relationships with ourselves as well.

When we live in fear instead of love, we find it difficult to be compassionate, both towards others and ourselves. Fear of Intimacy, emotional detachment, and persistent sorrow are some of the signs that our heart needs healing.

Even when we truly crave deep connections, sometimes we have difficulty attracting a soulmate because we struggle with feeling unworthy or unlovable.

Crystals that can work to dissolve and eliminate these blocks are pink ones. Warm, loving, tender, receptive, kind, generous – this is the energy of these gemstones in a nutshell.

Love & Relationships

Because they resonate with the energy of love, carrying pink crystals with us can help us on this healing journey. They are known as crystals for love and are frequently used by those who are yearning for a soulmate.

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However, their magic doesn’t stop there. These gemstones bring kindness and compassion to all interpersonal relationships, including the most important one – our relationship with ourselves.

They add a sense of lightness to turbulent relationships, helping heal interpersonal issues.

Trust & Loyalty

Since they inspire loving and passionate connections that are honest and true, these crystals also inspire greater trust and loyalty in relationships.

Inspiring heart-to-heart connections, they help set our vibration to resonate more with people who are emotionally available and ready to love in their relationships. As a result, our relationships become more tender and affectionate.

Self-Love & Self-Acceptance

When we operate from a self-love space, we find that forming nourishing connections comes almost effortlessly. Pink crystals remind us that we’re born worthy of love and that there is nothing that can take that away from us.

Self-acceptance comes more naturally and so does our desire to care for our emotional and physical wellbeing.

Pink Stones

Kindness & Compassion

The healing frequency of pink stones inspires greater empathy, helping us understand others and connect to them on an emotional level. This encourages forgiveness, and we are able to let go of the past hurt, resentment, or jealousy that stands in the way of living joyously.

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As a result, kindness, compassion, and understanding become part of our everyday life.

Playfulness & Creativity

Pink gemstones bring more joy to our lives, inspiring childlike playfulness. We feel more inspired to let our hair down and do things that feed our souls.

Creativity is enhanced, and so is our desire to connect with others and nature.  We feel more hopeful and encouraged to go out there and pursue what we love, be it a person or a hobby.

Emotional Stability & Stress Relief

Through raising our vibration and opening our heart space, pink crystals help us operate from a place of gratitude and warmth. We feel less defensive, less closed off, and more in tune with our emotions.

We find it easier to simply feel, without being overwhelmed by the intensity of emotions, making us emotionally…

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