Reiki for vertigo | Restore balance into your life – Reiki Galore

At some point throughout our lives, each one of us will have surely experienced dizziness. It could even have been a part of childhood fun and games, or as we enjoyed rides at playgrounds and theme parks.

But dizziness in adulthood is usually an unpleasant and unwelcome thing.

The term vertigo has been used for decades to describe the sensation experienced by those who have a fear of heights. This, however, is not entirely accurate, as vertigo is a symptom where the sufferer feels as if they are spinning around, or that everything is spinning around them.

It can be a symptom of many different illnesses, but the effect is the same. And, depending on the severity, it can have a very negative impact on the lives of those who experience it.

Treatments are available, and these may vary according to the illness.

Many people these days are seeking natural methods of healing, including reiki. Before exploring this, it is a good idea to get a better understanding of the symptoms and how our bodies work.

Why Do We Get Vertigo?

Reiki for vertigo

The human body is a marvelous, complex machine, filled with intricate mechanisms. When these are affected by illness or injury, we realize just how fragile they can be.

We also realize how amazing they are, keeping our bodies functioning properly and efficiently.

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One such mechanism is our inner (or internal) ear, a tiny organ that has two main roles; hearing and balance. The cochlea helps us to hear, while the vestibular system is responsible for our balance and motion.

It works constantly in the background, communicating with muscles all over the body to keep us upright and mobile.

Not only does it help us balance, but it also helps stabilize our gaze, our ability to navigate, as well as aiding spatial awareness. And when this comes under attack we are thrown off balance as the system ceases to work.

Dizziness and vertigo, though similar, are not classed as the same problem and can arise for different reasons. Both, however, are due to the workings of the inner ear being disrupted, causing a range of ailments known as labyrinthitis. 

There are many causes, including head trauma, bacterial/viral ear infections, blocked ears, Meniere’s disease, and other vestibular disorders.

Although the main symptom of these is vertigo and dizziness, it is important to establish the cause.

Unfortunately, many people find that mainstream medicine, while providing a diagnosis, often treats the symptoms rather than the cause. And this is where complementary or alternative medicine differs.

Healing methods such as reiki are holistic, treating the whole person physically and spiritually. Although a reiki healer may focus on a particular part of the body, the aim will be to eliminate the cause, allowing the body to function as it should.

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How Is Vertigo Treated?

Reiki for vertigo

Vertigo is broadly split into two types; peripheral and central. The vast majority of cases involve peripheral vertigo and associated diseases. Symptoms range from mild to severe, with sufferers sometimes experiencing disabling bouts of nausea.

Loss of balance can be extremely distressing, and countless people have been injured through falls during a vertigo attack. Thankfully, most cases of vertigo are short-lived and should disappear within hours.

However, those who have long-term illnesses like Meniere’s will be all too familiar with this feeling and will no doubt have been seeking respite.

Conventional medicine usually recommends Vestibular Blocking Agents as a treatment. The three main VBAs are antiemetics, antihistamines, and benzodiazepines. Even a brief search will uncover alarming information regarding these drugs.

  • Antiemetics – a group of drugs used to stop nausea and vomiting, and often used to treat digestive disorders such as GERD. This includes a drug called metoclopramide, which itself carries a ‘black box’ warning by the FDA (the most serious warning it can apply) due to the potential side effects.
  • Antihistamines – commonly used for the treatment of allergies and asthma. Although there is currently no scientific evidence to back it up, some people have found that antihistamines help to relieve vertigo. Many of these, however, carry their own side effects, including drowsiness. Promethazine is commonly prescribed, which, although an antihistamine, is also a strong tranquilizer – once again, this has a black box warning.
  • Benzodiazepines – this group of psychoactive drugs is used to treat depression and anxiety (as well as a range of other conditions). While they can be effective in treating vertigo, they are addictive and users can become tolerant, leading to the need for higher doses. They also carry a worrying list of possible side effects.
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Aside from using the medication, doctors will also suggest using a selection of physical movements to treat vertigo. This includes methods like the Epley Maneuver, which aims to ‘reset’ the balance of the vestibular system.

It does this by dislodging calcium crystals that have built up in the…

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