Kundalini Awakening: What Is It and 14 Signs You’re Experiencing One | Aglow Lifestyle

If you’re on your spiritual journey, it is only a matter of time until you experience a kundalini awakening for yourself.

This mysterious phenomenon, which is sometimes referred to as the “Serpent Fire,” is thought of as a very powerful spiritual awakening process.

It can range from a small and subtle spark that gradually builds over time to an explosive energy release that seemingly comes out of nowhere.

Once this energy is awakened, it starts to move up the spine and through the chakras, eventually reaching the crown chakra.

It brings a profound transformation in consciousness and an intense healing process.

In this article, we will explore what kundalini awakening is, the signs you might be experiencing one, and how to best work with this powerful energy.

Key points:

  • A kundalini awakening is an energetic experience that is physically felt throughout the body.
  • It is an experience of the kundalini energy moving through the chakras and often results in profound changes in consciousness.
  • After a kundalini awakening, it is not uncommon for people to feel a range of intense emotions.

What is a kundalini awakening?

In most simple terms, a kundalini awakening is an energetic awakening that leads to mental transformation, emotional transformation, and spiritual transformation.

This intense experience can occur when the kundalini energy, which lies dormant at the base of the spine, begins to move up through the chakras until it reaches the crown chakra, where higher consciousness resides.

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A kundalini awakening often happens spontaneously or due to years of spiritual practice.

As the kundalini energy rises, it can trigger various physical, mental, and emotional symptoms.

Some people report feeling a sudden surge of energy that rushes through their bodies.

Others may feel like they are going through a profound spiritual transformation accompanied by powerful emotions and mental clarity.

While it is not always easy to understand what is happening during a kundalini awakening, there is no doubt that it is a powerful and potentially life-changing experience.

It isn’t easy to see life the same way after you have experienced a kundalini awakening.

14 signs of a kundalini awakening

Positive kundalini awakening signs

1. You feel a spiritual connection that’s deeply rooted in love.

2. Your perception of the world changes.

3. You feel a profound sense of oneness with all of creation.

4. You become more empathic.

5. You’re inspired to go after your goals.

6. You begin to tune deeper into your intuition.

7. Synchronicities begin happening more frequently.

8. You experience a lot of pleasurable energy flowing through your body.

9. You feel more connected to your higher self.

Dark kundalini awakening signs

10. You experience a shock ego death.

11. You feel disconnected from reality.

12. You struggle to sleep properly.

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13. You find it hard to deal with bright lights, loud noises, and strong smells.

14. You feel like you’re going crazy.

While a kundalini awakening comes with a lot of positive experiences, there is also a shadow side to it.

It’s important to be aware of the dark kundalini awakening signs so that you can take steps to mitigate their impact and move forward positively.

You’re not going mad, and you’re not truly alone during this experience.

Remind yourself that this is a temporary phase that you will eventually move through.

How to deal with a kundalini awakening

1. Surrender to the process

If you are experiencing a kundalini awakening, it is essential to surrender to the process.

This means letting go of your expectations and assumptions about what should happen and simply accepting whatever arises.

A kundalini awakening is simply part of our spiritual evolution.

We cannot prevent it from happening, nor should we try to stop or control it in any way; instead, we must simply acknowledge it as a natural step along our spiritual path.

In doing so, we open ourselves up to the transformative energy of kundalini itself.

2. Be patient and kind to yourself

While a kundalini awakening can be a deeply enriching experience, it can also be disruptive and overwhelming.

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The key is to be patient and kind to yourself as you navigate this process.

Give yourself time and space to adjust to the changes that are taking place within you.

Be gentle with yourself, and remember that there is no rush.

This is a journey that unfolds in its own time and ultimately leads us back to our true nature.

3. Seek out support from others who understand

When experiencing a kundalini awakening, it can be tempting to try and deal with the emotional and spiritual shifts on your own.

However, enlisting the support of others familiar with this type of spiritual awakening is an important part of navigating the experience.

There are many online forums and groups where you can connect with others dealing with a kundalini awakening.

You can also find books and resources to help you understand and work through the process.

Seek out…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in aglowlifestyle.com. All the rights of content are owned by aglowlifestyle.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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