Reiki Combined: Reiki and Colour Therapy

Colour is part of our everyday lives. We often incorporate certain colours into what we wear, what we eat, and what we surround ourselves with as a conscious or even subconscious way to express or even heal ourselves at a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level.

One of the simplest ways to charge and balance the energy body is to simply, for a short while at least, stand or sit outside in the full sunlight to allow yourself to be charged with all the colours of the spectrum. And as with any other form of healing, setting your intention to be charged with the healing energy of the sun is paramount. Doing this is very soothing, balancing, and rejuvenating… even healing, but it is not always possible to do. Through colour therapy we can consciously use colour to change our energy – to lift a mood, to relax ourselves, or to energise ourselves.

Colour therapy is a field of study and method of healing in its own right. However, it can be used to complement many other forms of healing, and particularly with Reiki healing, by being consciously aware of the healing properties of colour, e.g.:

  • White is the colour of purity and heals all aspects of our being – body, mind and spirit at all levels. White can be used to alleviate chronic and acute pain. It can also be used to increase and maintain our energy, especially when we are suffering from depression and lack of motivation. Sunlight is pure white light and when we are deprived of sunlight we may suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) which is a form of depression. Finally, we are reminded that where there is light, darkness can be kept at bay, thus protecting us from negative energy in our energy body.
  • Red is the colour associated with our base chakra and all aspects related to this chakra – survival, passion, warmth, strength and vitality. Red can be used to energise our entire energy body and increase our vitality. It is also a good colour with which to stimulate our immune system. Red is supportive of increasing our enthusiasm and interest in life and to alleviate feelings of insecurity, fear and anxiety.
  • Orange is a gentler energising colour that red and is associated with our Sacral chakra, joy and hope. It can be used to alleviate feelings of depression, shock, stress, bleakness, boredom, resentment and the inability to let go of the past. On a physical level orange can be used to address issues related to aching limbs and muscles, the gall bladder, kidney and menstruation.
Reiki Combined: Reiki and Colour Therapy
  • Yellow is the Solar Plexus colour and associated with intellect, self-esteem, self-worth and personal power. It is the go-to colour for optimism and sociability, balancing our emotions and supporting clarity of thought. On a physical level yellow can be used to stimulate the immune system when we are suffering from minor but frequent illnesses and allergies, particularly food allergies and intolerances. Due to the ability of yellow to calm and balance the nervous system, it is a…
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