How To Align Your Root Chakra With Essential Oils

Before using essential oils for opening, aligning or balancing the energy flow in the Root chakra it’s important to understand the energy of the Root chakra and what it represents. Root chakra itself is associated with all of our basic needs, sense of security, stability, safety, abundance, sense of belonging and it’s also very grounding energy, which is essential for people who are intuitive or empath, as we tend to be very sensitive and receptive towards energies, can easily pick up emotions of other people.

Root chakra is located at the very base of our spine, it’s element is Earth and it’s all about physicality. One of the easiest ways to get grounded and work with our Root chakra is to literally go out in nature, do camping, go to the beach, walk bare feet, do gardening, dig that soil, touch the soil, put mud on your hands and just enjoy all that down to earth activities.

If you live in a urban city, or for some reasons all that is not the easiest option, I really love to work with tools like essential oils, crystals, sound. Here let’s stick with essential oils.

First we need to know if we have any energy imbalance in the Root chakra. It can be blocked, under active or overactive, which is in any case places it out of alignment. We can look here for some signs from observation. We may feel constant fatigue, tired, fears related to our basic needs, including financial fears and instabilities, we may feel very ungrounded, unstable, experience such things like possessiveness or greediness, weight issues (overeating in order to ground ourselves), or deny the physical existence, deny yourself in food in order to disassociate yourself from the earthy life. On a physical level in may manifest itself  like constipation or any kind of discomfort in our lower body.

Another way, and in my opinion is more accurate is to use your pendulum to read chakras. Pendulum will show you in your chakra is blocked or under active, but ideally I’d suggest to check all of your chakras with pendulum and write it on a piece of paper to see if how it looks like in comparison with other chakras. In that way it’s easy to see if it’s overactive (spinning with higher intensity or with a larger circle).

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Energy is never stable, it’s always moving, accordingly the chakra energy is also always changing, it can change its intensity, its color, its vibrancy and texture. There are certain things which can affect the energy flow in the Root chakra, these are: travelling, moving to a new place, changing country or city, losing job or changing job, having some major events in a family.

Most of the essential oils would have more or less effect with the energy of the Root chakra, some oils are, however, are more reflecting with the energy of the Root chakra. Basically, all of the oils that come from the root part of a plant would be perfect for the root chakra, as they are naturally caring very…

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