50 Love Affirmations To Attract Your Crush | Aglow Lifestyle

We all have that special someone who we crush on, but sometimes the thought of going up to them and asking them out is just too scary.

If you want to talk to them and go out on dates, then this shortlist of love affirmations can really help you.

Affirmations are positive phrases that you repeat to yourself, and they help change your mindset to be able to do the things you want.

If you say these love affirmations to yourself every day, you will naturally feel more confident around your crush.

Before you know it, you will be able to go up and talk to them like you’ve known each other for years!

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What are affirmations?

Affirmations are positive statements that you say to yourself to change your mindset.

They help to reprogram negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones.

For example, if you are nervous about talking to your crush, then an affirmation might be:

 “I am confident and comfortable around my crush.”

Even if you don’t believe that statement at first, after saying it over and over again for a few days, eventually, your brain will start to believe it.

After a while, that statement will become your reality, and you will feel confident and comfortable around them.

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50 love affirmations to attract your crush

1. My crush finds me attractive.

2. I am confident around my crush.

3. I feel comfortable around my crush.

4. My crush likes me the way I am.

5. I am fun and flirtatious whenever I am around my crush.

6. I make my crush feel happy, and they enjoy being around me.

7. My crush is drawn to me.

8. My crush is attracted to my good energy.

9. We are meant to be together forever and always.

10. My crush wants to get to know me more.

11. My crush is intrigued by me.

12. I am going to have a wonderful conversation with my crush.

13. I can overcome my fears and talk to my crush.

14. My crush will like me for who I am.

15. I am happy around my crush.

16. My crush enjoys my company.

17. My crush and I get along great.

18. My crush is happy when they are around me.

19. My crush wants to spend time getting to know me.

20. I am proud of myself for asking my crush for their number.

Affirmations to attract a specific person

21. I find attracting my crush to be easy.

22. I attract my crush with ease.

23. I naturally attract people who are right for me into my life.

24. I easily find love and happiness.

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25. I easily meet people that are compatible with me.

26.*X person* is attracted to me.

27. I am loving and lovable to the people around me.

28.*X person* wants to be with me.

29. I attract my perfect partner into my life.

30.*X person* wants to get to know me.

31.*X person* can’t help but notice me around them.

Affirmations to get the guy you want

32. I am a confident and secure woman.

33. I respect myself enough to not settle for anything less than the best.

34. I deserve someone who loves and respects me.

35. My love for myself attracts a wonderful man into my life

36. I deserve to be with someone that will treat me well.

37. I am a great catch, and any man would be lucky to have me.

38. I deserve a man who is kind.

39. I deserve someone that wants to be there for me.

40. A loving, kind, and supportive man is attracted to me.

41. My confidence and self-love will attract a wonderful man into my life.

42. I am a great partner to have.

Affirmations to get the girl you want

43. Women are attracted to me.

44. I am confident in who I am.

45. I’m not going to settle for anything less than the best partner.

46. I deserve a beautiful relationship.

47. I can have a loving and supportive relationship with anyone I choose.

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48. It’s easy for me to talk to women.

49. Women naturally find me attractive.

50. I am a fun and interesting person to talk to.

How to use love affirmations

Affirmations are simple to apply, and they have the potential to make a significant difference in your life.

Here is how to use affirmations:

  • Choose a few affirmations that mean something to you.
  • Every morning, read your affirmations out loud.
  • Feel the emotion and significance behind each affirmation.
  • Continue this practice daily for the best results.

If you want to learn more about using affirmations, click here to read our article on 5 ways to use affirmations.

Final thoughts

Affirmations can help you create positive changes in your life.

Affirmations are a simple tool that anyone can use to take control of their subconscious mind and attract the love they desire into their life.

Remember that affirmations won’t work if you don’t believe in them.

Read your affirmations every day with enthusiasm, and you will start to notice a shift in how you perceive yourself.

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in aglowlifestyle.com. All the rights of content are owned by aglowlifestyle.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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