Angel Number 1717 Meaning – An Indicator of Good Fortune?

The Meaning of Angel Number 1717 – Bringing Together The Spiritual And Material Worlds

As human beings, we live in a physical, material world.  Most people seem content to live their lives exclusively in this world, and why not?  It’s a beautiful place. 

We can walk in forests, swim in seas, eat and drink fine foods and wines, reach out and touch loved ones, be moved by sunsets beyond compare, listen to inspiring music and the sound of birdsong, and enjoy the smell of newly mown grass or freshly baked bread. 

But there are other worlds out there.  There are spiritual and mystical dimensions all just waiting to be discovered. 

Ironically, certain aspects of our material world can be of great use when we are exploring these new spiritual worlds.

Angel number 1717 has a number of different meanings, but one of the main messages concerns the bringing together of the inner, spiritual realm and the outer, material world.

Angel Number 1717 – Understanding The meaning Of 1 And 7 

The number 1 has a selfish, egotistical, stubborn and ruthless side to it.  Are all those traits negative?  Yes and no is the answer! 

In certain circumstances, those characteristics are precisely what is needed to get a task over the line, or to make something happen. 

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In other words, a negative can actually be a positive. 

What’s more, 1 also has several inherently positive qualities to it too: focus, concentration, drive and being proactive.  It can also presage creativity, a fresh start, or a new beginning.

Lucky number 7 shares a number of characteristics that match and complement the 1. 

7 can be purposeful and orderly, with an organized streak that wants to get the job done.  7 and 1 both love exploring and are open to new ideas. 

However, there are some notable differences:

7 is more inclusive and people-centric, less interested in material things, and above all, much more connected to the spiritual and mystical realms.

From a material versus spiritual perspective, the 7 and 1 are literally worlds apart, although that’s not necessarily a bad thing. 

7 can learn from 1 about the importance of focus and perseverance in the spiritual world. 

And 1 can learn from 7 about the benefits of inclusiveness and mindfulness in the material world.

The primary number of angel number 1717 is 7 (1+7+1+7= 16, 1+6=7). 

The triple presence of the 7 here marks it out as a number of added influence.  Like three 7’s on a Las Vegas slot machine, that’s an indicator of great good fortune.

Maybe you’re about to hit the jackpot … but only if you seize the day.

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What Is the Significance of Angel Number 1717?

Angel Number 1717

With the number 1717, the angels are telling us to use our conscious, thinking minds (1) to explore our spiritual side (7). 

This message is so important that it’s repeated, and is emphasized by the third 7 in the primary number.

The angels are telling you to use your inherent wisdom, knowledge and intuition to transform both yourself and the world around you. 

But they are also saying that in order to do so, you need to work at it!

The 17 is repeated, which may indicate that you are being given a second chance. Together with its primary number 7, angel number 1717 indicates double the work but treble the luck! 

With all your ducks set so auspiciously in a row, it’s now vital that you take the initiative.

Instead of relying too much on other people, the onus is absolutely on you to make things happen. 

Others may offer you well-intentioned advice, but you should be brave enough to ignore it, and follow your own heart. 

If there are setbacks, know that you have the inner strength, courage and drive to pick yourself up and go again.

A Solo Voyage To Start

The repeated 1’s may also indicate that whatever new challenge, start or experience you are about to embark upon, it is a journey that you must take on your own. 

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That said, from a spiritual perspective, we are never alone. 

We are always accompanied by our guardian angels, spirit guides, power animals and the divine spirit, even though at times we may convince ourselves that they are not present.

Whatever is created, must be created by you. 

Once you have taken those first steps, once the wheels are in motion, then there is space for other people to help or to be part of the new creation, but that first step must be an independent, autonomous action made by you.

You may not be used to being so decisive, but there is a plus side, in fact two plus sides as indicated by the two 17’s. 

First there is the quiet yet great satisfaction that comes from making a decision and putting your plans into action.

And second, only you, and no-one else, know your heart’s true desire, so you can be sure that you are doing exactly what you…

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