The Amazing Meaning Of Seeing Angel Number 6161

At all times, we have conflicting energies governing us, and Angel Number 6161 represents the inner conflict between satisfying personal needs and satisfying the needs of people around us.

Choosing between our well-being and the good of those close to us has always been a struggle for everyone. 

But what if our purpose is not to choose one or another but to find the balance between them?

If you see Angel Number 6161 lately, know that it stands as a symbol of those Universal energies acting in opposition within the human being, in the field of needs: personal VS others’.

To understand the messages that Angel Number 6161 carries and how to deal with the conflict given by the action of these antagonistic energies, make yourself comfortable and keep reading.

The Key Meanings Of Angel Number 6161

General Meaning of Angel Number 6161

angel number 6161 key meanings

When we look at the rapport between the satisfaction of personal needs and the satisfaction of those around us, most of the time, sadly, people go to extremes.

Either they are entirely ignorant to the essentials of others, mainly because they are afraid that doing so would affect their ethics.

Or, on the contrary, their focus is on the requirements of the others most of the time, neglecting their essentials and ending up lost and miserable.

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If you also tend to run between these two extremes, seeing Angel Number 6161 tells you it is time to find a balance.

To achieve this balance, you’re going to need to do the work, an acquaintance of the truth, divine assistance, and dedication tell your guardian angels when they send Angel Number 6161 your way.

Angel Number 6161 symbolizes the turmoils and the need to balance doing the best only for yourself or satisfying others’ necessities.

People are social beings in a continuous need to contact other human beings.

Angel Number 6161 symbolizes our instinct to connect and relate at any level (material, spiritual, psychic, sentimental).

Do you remember the safety instructions before a plane flight, related to the oxygen masks, if you are a parent or you accompany an elder?

They say you have to put on your mask first and, after, put the mask on the child or other person you’re accompanying.

As a comparison, Angel Number 6161 sends you about the same message and urges you, once you have discovered your blessings, once you’ve “put on your oxygen mask”, not to forget about others and, instead, help them arise also.

Spiritual Meaning of Angel Number 6161

spiritual number 6161

Seeing Angel Number 6161 is primarily a warning sign.

According to the Bible, 6161 means the devil always finds a way to test your faith.

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Therefore, seeing Angel Number 6161 is a straight message to build your spirituality and faith.

Continuing on the biblical way, six represents imperfection and that humankind is fallible and susceptible to sin. 

According to the story of Creation, God created man on the sixth day (Genesis 1:27) and regretted short while after (Genesis 6:6).

The man had become evil, self-centered, with no regard for each other.

On the same biblical meaning, 1 symbolizes God’s supremacy, power, and authority.

On the first day (digit 1) of Creation, God made heaven, earth and subsequently created light.

Therefore, God is light, and light symbolizes serenity, calmness, authority, and power.

So, considering all these, the message of Angel Number 6161, as I said before, is a warning sign.

Harboring past regrets, feeling sad, or even disappointed by events that happened a long time ago might be the reason behind seeing Angel Number 6161.

Your guardian angel is telling you to forget the past because you are forgiven.

Meaning Of Angel Number 6161 For Work 

If you started encountering Angel Number 6161 in the work environment, prepare for some good news: it’s related to the field of money but linked to hobbies and passions.

If you have been struggling to aim and keep your independence, seeing Angel Number 6161 carries good news, as it signifies that your work and efforts will soon start paying back, and financial rewards are coming your way soon.

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You’re going to be on fire, and someone will be impressed by your versatility, cooperation, and outside-the-box way of thinking, offering you an opportunity that you can not refuse.

However, what you can do and you shouldn’t is to be too kind and leave it to someone else, as you usually tend to, because that will break a little piece of your soul.

Since Angel Number 6161 is about balancing what we offer to ourselves and what we offer to others.

If you’ve been putting yourself in the second place lately to serve other people’s interests, Angel Number 6161 urges you to check if it’s not the case where you are being taken for granted by these people.

Do not freak out if things get a big fuzzy and confusing here and there, as Angel Number 6161…

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