Signs Of An Overactive (or Underactive) Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is also known by the Sanskrit name Visshuda which holds the meaning of ‘purification’.

This is the 5th chakra within our energy body and it is regarded as the energy center of self-expression, authenticity, communication, and creativity.

The throat chakra corresponds with the physical organs and glands in its vicinity and so it can affect the health of our thyroid, the gland that controls many of our vital functions.

The health of our throat chakra can have specific impacts on our physical, mental and emotional health and well-being.

When we experience an imbalance within this energy center, depending on the type of imbalance this can manifest as a variety of signs and symptoms that can indicate your throat chakra is not functioning in alignment with its intended blueprint.

Within this article, we will learn about the cause of imbalances within the throat chakra (both overactive and underactive throat chakra imbalance).

We will learn the signs that you can look out for, or maybe experiencing, that indicate throat chakra imbalances, and of course, we will offer a few powerful practices that you can utilize to rebalance and stay in alignment with healthy and balanced throat chakra energy. 

What Causes an Overactive or Underactive Throat Chakra?

symbol representing a overactive or underactive throat chakra

Imbalances within the throat chakra can be caused by a variety of reasons.

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A  chakra imbalance is usually caused by mental, physical, emotional, and even spiritual reasons (remember that on a spiritual level you may be encountered by a blockage or imbalance as a sign or catalyst for growth, expanded consciousness, depth of understanding, and embodiment ).

The main cause of both an overactive and underactive throat chakra imbalance is fear.

Fear can drive us to retreat into our shell, shrink and become as small and quiet as possible (this reaction would relate to an underactive throat chakra) or fear can cause us to puff our chest and enter an attacking mode to fend off the fearful outcomes.

Both these reactions can be survival responses and they are also unconscious reactions that are subconsciously ingrained in us from the cultures, childhood, and society we have experienced or find ourselves within. 

Another cause of both an overactive and underactive chakra is repression or suppression.

This can be due to an abusive or traumatic situation that you may have experienced or it can be seemingly subtle family, cultural or societal pressures that suppress your natural expression and way of being.

When we are suppressed the reaction is similar to our fear reactions in that we may react with ‘aggressive‘ rebellion (over time this can cause an overactive throat chakra energy) or placidly conforming (over time this can cause an underactive throat chakra).

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Although our reactions are often for safety and acceptance, when we get stuck in these survival mode states it can cause imbalances within the throat chakra energy center.

7 Signs Of An Underactive Throat Chakra

an underactive throat chakra

When a chakra is underactive it most simply means that there is a lack of energy or blockage preventing the flow of energy within the chakra.

The following are some of the key signs that can indicate that you have an underactive throat chakra:

Sign 1#: You feel like you are unable to express your personal truth

A really common sign of an underactive throat chakra is that you struggle to express your personal truth.

You may struggle to find clarity on what your truth is within yourself and you may find it challenging or almost impossible to clearly and with conviction communicate your truth.

You may find that your opinions and feeling or even experience on a matter often gets sidelined or invalidated both by your internal imbalanced state as well as by those you interact with.

Sign 2#: You feel like you are not fully heard 

The throat chakra is linked to our experience of hearing, listening and being heard.

An underactive throat chakra can result in feeling and experiencing not being heard. When this chakra is underactive and you are unable to articulate your viewpoints and ideas with confidence it makes it less likely that people will actually listen to what you have to say.

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This doesn’t mean you need to be loud but it is more about tapping back into the open throat chakra energy of clear communication that is necessary for conscious communication.

Blockage within the throat chakra can make you feel frustrated with not being heard.

Sign 3#: You may struggle with keeping your word

a person showing an underactive Throat Chakra sign

Another sign of an underactive throat chakra is that you may regard your promises and verbal commitments a bit too lightly.

You may even struggle to follow through with the action on things you have verbally committed to.

The throat chakra helps us to speak our dreams and visions into reality and so when Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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