Balancing the Chakras Using Foods

It is important to nourish and hydrate the body for balancing and energizing the chakras. When one of our centers of energy is out of balance, the first solution we should think about is proper nutrition. There are several foods specific to each chakra, and excessive or insufficient consumption of these foods causes disorders in the body. Along with the mental and emotional pattern that influences the chakras and therefore the physical body, the chosen diet can support this healing and balancing process.

ROOT CHAKRA – Muladhara

The root chakra is responsible for grounding, feeling grounded, having a clear and stable foundation, connecting us to Mother Earth. It is based on the earth element. The active color of the root chakra is red, any energy visualized during meditation with the root chakra is usually perceived as red. People who strive to improve the balance of the Muladhara chakra often wear red clothing, eat red (healthy) food, and even paint their nails red.

Balancing the Chakras Using Foods

Root vegetables: potatoes, carrots, parsnips, parsley, ginger, white radish, garlic onions, horseradish, celery

Vibrant red food: beets, watermelon, radish, strawberries, red apple, cherries, red pepper, red cabbage, tomato, rhubarb, pomegranate.

SACRAL CHAKRA – Svadhishthana

The sacral chakra is associated with our creativity, sexuality and reproduction. It helps us to be in touch with our emotions and have the ability to connect with the people important to us. It is based on the water element. The active color of the sacral chakra is orange, any energy visualized during meditation with the sacral chakra is usually perceived as orange. People who strive to improve the balance of the sacral chakra often wear orange clothing, wear accessories with carnelian, coral or opal, inhale jasmine essential oil. The element of the second chakra is water, so those who feel the need to balance shall drink as much pure and alkaline water as possible. Liquids pass through the body faster than solids and help purify the body and prevent the kidneys from overloading with toxins. Juices and teas can also support this cleansing process.


The solar plexus chakra governs our self-esteem, ego and willpower. It is associated with our ability to work with our control and confidence. It is based on the fire element. The active color of the solar plexus chakra is yellow, any energy visualized during meditation with the solar plexus chakra is usually perceived as yellow. People who strive to improve the balance of the Manipura chakra often wear yellow clothing, eat yellow food, drink herbal tea.

Balancing the Chakras Using Foods

Yellow food: banana, pineapple, ginger, turmeric, yellow peppers, yellow squash, apricots,…

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