7 Powerful Crystals For Increasing Your Confidence

We all sometimes need a confidence boost, even the most extroverted people!

Thankfully, the power of the universe is here to help, with so many healing crystals for confidence to choose from.

This article will look at the 7 best crystals for confidence and how to use them to become the best possible you!

Why Use Healing Crystals for Confidence?

Whether it be a job interview or a first date, confidence is often the key to success. Unfortunately, anxiety and shyness can take hold and really affect your mood.

When we are lacking confidence, we are holding ourselves back from our true potential and not realizing our fate. 

Confidence is an energy state, a way of existing in the world. Because of this, we can use the energies and vibrations in the world to assist with our confidence and work with us. This is where healing crystals come in.

From creativity to self-love, crystals are perfect for correcting our mood and stabilizing our emotions.

This is because every crystal gives off vibrations that interact with your own energy. All stones hold specific powers that assist in our mental and emotional wellbeing. 

When you are in need of confidence, these vibrations of certain crystals will help you. 

7 Crystals for Confidence

Now we know the importance of crystals and what they can do for us, let’s look at the seven best crystals for confidence. 

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Read on to discover the gemstone that is perfect for you!


Picture of Citrine Cluster

This beautiful orange stone does not just look incredible, but also is amazing at providing a confidence boost. This crystal is a variety of quartz and brings forth energy to those around it. 

Citrine is a manifesting stone that allows you to focus your intentions on what you want.

It energizes you and your personal will, allowing you to manifest your goals and dreams. Because of this, citrine is the perfect stone to use to boost confidence within the workplace. 

If you are wanting a promotion, have a citrine on your desk.

If you are about to go into an interview for your dream career, make sure you are carrying this stone in your pocket! Not only will it boost your confidence, but it will help you achieve your goals. 

This stone encourages you to live life to the fullest and try new things. It allows you to step out of your comfort zone and do things that truly excite you!

❤️ Related Post: How To Use Citrine To Attract Money


Sunstone Rock

The sunstone brings forth the energy of the sun, letting luck and warmth into your life. It is an instant mood booster, allowing you to look at the world in a new and optimistic way. 

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If you have stress and low self-esteem, meditating with this stone will allow you to focus your energy on yourself and your personal power. Like the sun, this crystal illuminates everything around it, including you!

Working with a sunstone lets you see you for who you truly are, and all the wonderful things about you. 

The sunstone empowers you, allowing you to stand up for yourself and be independent. 


Aquamarine stones

This crystal for confidence is for those of us who find it difficult to stand up and say how we really feel.

It is an extremely powerful crystal that unblocks and activates the throat chakra, letting us communicate honestly and with power. 

Perhaps you know the important link between crystals and chakras, but if not, it is okay! I have a handy in-depth guide here that is perfect for beginners to learn about chakras and how crystals can be used to heal and unblock chakras. 

The throat chakra governs our communication and our ability to express ourselves clearly and openly.

When our throat chakra is blocked, the inability to communicate can really affect our self-confidence. Confidence is often in our words and the way we communicate with others. 

Because of this, working with our throat chakra is a great way to instill confidence. 

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There are so many different crystals that can be used to heal and open our throat chakra, but a great one is aquamarine. It gives us courage and open communication, allowing us to say exactly what we mean. 

Tigers Eye

Tigers Eye is probably one of the most famous crystals in the Western world.

It looks incredible, with beautiful swirls and marks of browns, goldens, and reds. It also provides us with many amazing metaphysical and healing powers, allowing us to thrive both spiritually and emotionally. 

It is a stone of protection that brings luck and personal empowerment. It allows us to see things clearly, helping us overcome doubts and anxieties. Because of this, I believe is it one of the best stones for confidence. 

When wearing this stone, you are bringing about mental focus and clarity. This gives you the confidence you need when making decisions. 

This stone will help you see things for what they really are….

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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