7 Zodiac Signs That Are Great Aquarius Soulmates (Love Rank)

Aquarius, the idealistic and altruistic dreamer with many beautiful qualities, is a unique individual.

They have many potential suitors in life, mainly because they are ruled by the glyph (astrological symbol) of the Water Bearer.

This makes them both an air sign and aligned to some water qualities.

Aquarius may be an intellectual, innovative, and bright person with charisma, but they also possess sensitivity, profound intuition, and an ethereal-mystical quality, which many people are attracted to…

If you are an Aquarius soulmate, you can expect fun, excitement, lots of social outings and community involvement, and an open-minded, loyal, and charming partner.

Here Are The Best Aquarius Soulmates

The best Aquarius Soulmates

#1. Aquarius: True life partners

When an Aquarius and Aquarius come together, there is instant synergy and resonance.

These are true life partners, measuring very high up on the Aquarius soulmate compatibility scale.

Communication, romance, intellectual connection, shared passions, hobbies, and interests are all a perfect match- you can’t get any higher.

These two soulmates understand each other, they know what the other needs emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, and physically. Sex is good!

They both please and receive in equal measure, also knowing just how to “do their thing” in the way their lover wants.

Further, as they are both visionaries and idealistic dreamers, there is little they cannot achieve when these two are in the flow.

Aquarius is an excellent natural leader, teacher, speaker, and inspiring motivator, often excelling in the coaching, counseling, therapy, and healing fields.

Let’s just say that starting a business together or combining their talents will make this soulmate match change the world.

Aquarius and Aquarius are certainly a power couple status love bond.

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The only thing they have to be mindful of is when both or either partner is less evolved.

Still more resonant with their shadow side or toxic traits. Because they are both mirrors of one another, they might start to project their toxic characteristics into the other.

Overall compatibility: 10!

Emotional bond: 8

Psychological bond: 9

Sex & intimacy: 9

True love potential: 9

#2. Gemini: Power couple!

When the colorful, creative, and chameleon-like Gemini comes into a love union with charismatic, charming, and equally creative-minded Aquarius, you can expect amazing things.

Who is a perfect match for Aquarius? Gemini is.

They have many shared qualities, making them fall for each other pretty hard.

But the longevity and potential for lasting commitment are there too.

As air signs, they both understand that their partner needs an intellectual, mental, and psychological bond.

They are the least emotional people of the zodiac, and despite often being misunderstood- this works for them.

While others may bond through emotional, romantic, or spiritual connection, Gemini and Aquarius are more than happy to let their lover do their own thing for a while.

Instead of melting into a soulful or emotionally deep bliss (like water signs do) or getting lost in passion, excitement, and either physical touch/sex or adventure (like fire signs), these two will read, focus on work, connect with friends or family, or simply vibe in their own independence.

There is so much freedom, self-autonomy, and charisma in this love bond that neither will ever feel bored or restricted. This makes the moments of intimacy and deeper connection even more magical…

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Overall compatibility: 9

Emotional bond: 8

Psychological bond: 9

Sex & intimacy: 9

True love potential: 9

See Also: Who Is A Gemini Soulmate? Best Zodiac Love Match Revealed

#3. Libra: Wonderful harmony

Libra and Aquarius as soulmates

The final air sign Libra is another match made in the heavens. The only difference between this pairing and the two above is that Libra is ruled by a very feminine planet.

Venus, the planet (and Goddess) of love, beauty, sensuality, and female sexuality.

This makes Libra a bit more romantic than idealistic and intellectual Aquarius.

Also, Libra is perfectly balanced between masculine and feminine attributes, while Aquarius is very masculine, dominant, and extroverted.

Libra is definitely an Aquarius soulmate, for sure! However, both partners must understand that Libra will always crave more romance, rest, and introspection than Aquarius can provide.

Communication and shared interests and hobbies are good, though; anything they try to achieve together can be accomplished quite effortlessly.

Starting a family together- or even a business- will go successfully.

In fact, Aquarius brings a lot of passion, innovation, bright ideas, and originality to the table, which compliments Libra´s peacemaking, cooperative, sensual, and intuitive ways perfectly.

Libra is both intellectual and intuitive, logical and imaginative, and rational and creative. As the idealistic dreamer, Aquarius digs this.

Overall compatibility: 9

Emotional bond: 7

Psychological bond: 8

Sex & intimacy: 9

True love potential: 8

Further Reading: 6 Best Libra Soulmates (Ranked By Love & Sex Compatibility)

#4. Sagittarius: Passion & shared vision

Top key compatibility areas: vision, idealism, zest for life, passion and innovation, creativity, and community.

Quite simply, Sagittarius and Aquarius are real kindred spirits!

Although they may have one of those independent, friendly, and slightly superficial relationships, in that they lack depth and emotional maturity, at least when compared to other zodiac signs, there is a lot of love and admiration between them.

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Both are real go-getters with strong energy levels. They both crave excitement, inspiration, and creative and artistic outlets, so they find common ground in a lot of things.

They’re both equally independent, and neither wants to fall too much into a routine that limits that potential nor do they want to get lost in their sensitivities.

Another positive is that they complement each other in a rather unique way, a way not shared by other star signs.

Sagittarius is a natural-born leader, inspirational speaker & teacher, specifically in a philosophical, religious, and/or spiritual way.

Aquarius is similar in character, also bringing the visionary and practical dreamer aspect.

The main issues that may arise are when both seek independence over stability and commitment.

Therefore, trust is something to consider.

Overall compatibility: 8

Emotional bond: 9

Psychological bond: 7

Sex & intimacy: 8

True love potential: 8

Related reading: Sagittarius Soulmates: The 5 Best & 5 Worst Matches

#5. Aries: A love of the good life

Aries and Aquarius Soulmates

Like Sagittarius, Aries is instinctive and passionate but with extremely strong desires and primal passions.

Sex is on fire between these two… Intimacy, a love of the good life, pleasure-seeking, and attracting luxury and material wealth is what join these two together.

Despite Aquarius being so service-oriented …

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