Throat Chakra Crystals [19 Crystals for the Throat Chakra]

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Do you find it difficult to communicate with others?

Are you having problems communicating your inner truth or accessing your voice?

Do you feel disconnected from your purpose?

Would you like to be great at public speaking or expressing yourself?

If so, adding throat chakra crystals to your energy work can help!

throat chakra crystals - grape agate crystal

Throat chakra crystals can keep the energy of your throat chakra aligned and balanced.

They can remove energy blocks in your throat so that you can communicate more clearly (and hear your inner voice more clearly!)

They can also help you with public speaking, have the courage to speak your truth, and express yourself creatively!

Let’s get into the specifics of throat chakra crystals and how to use them!

The throat chakra is the fifth chakra.

It is located in the middle of your throat, near your voice box. It is linked to all forms of communication, your inner voice, and creative expression.

The throat chakra can help you access your courage, stand up for yourself, and overcome shyness.

It is the seat of self-expression, and its mantra is “Ham.”

Vishuddha, throat chakra symbol

The Function of the Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

The throat chakra is responsible for:

  • clear communication
  • better communication
  • honest communication
  • public speaking
  • inner strength
  • expressing individual truth
  • harnessing and expressing your personal power
  • creative expression
  • creative ideas
  • spiritual connection
  • inner truth
  • thyroid gland & parathyroid gland
  • throat, ears, nose, teeth, & mouth
  • upper chest
  • vocal cords
lazurite towers

Symptoms of a Blocked Throat Chakra

Your throat chakra can become blocked or unbalanced because of stress, frustration, negative energy, blocked emotions, trauma, swallowing or ignoring your inner voice, or taking in other people’s energy you’ve dealt with over time.

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This can lead to blockages along the entire chakra chain, so if an area above or below the throat chakra is blocked you can feel it in your throat chakra (or vice-versa.)

When your throat chakra is blocked, you can experience:

  • communication problems
  • inability to speak your truth
  • shyness
  • fear of public speaking
  • inability to listen to others
  • unable to express creativity or access your creativity
  • weak voice/problem speaking up for yourself
  • inability to hear yourself or listen to yourself
  • talking too much (or too little)
  • telling lies
  • thyroid problems
  • throat problems/sore throat
  • losing your voice/laryngitis

Symptoms of an Overactive Throat Chakra

If one of your other chakras is blocked, it can cause an imbalance in your throat chakra.

Your throat chakra essentially “makes up” for the blocked energy by being overactive.

Energy gets stuck, causing your throat chakra to have too much energy.

When your throat chakra is overactive, you can feel:

  • Like you are talking too much
  • Talking over people/not listening to others
  • Being forceful when communicating
  • Gossiping
  • Being overly critical of creative expression, art, or literature
  • Inability to hear the truth of others
crystals for the throat chakra: chrysocolla

Crystals and the Throat Chakra

Crystals can help balance and heal your throat chakra so that you can communicate more effectively.

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The throat chakra is the area that joins the upper chakras to the lower chakras.

It helps you communicate the inner knowing of the lower chakras and also translate the wisdom from the Universe into the physical plane.

Crystals can help you tap into this energy so that you can express it more effectively.

They can help you access your personal truth, enhance creativity, and speak what you want into existence.

Throat chakra crystals are either crystals in the blue color family, or crystals that have inherent properties that open the throat chakra.

Crystals that enhance communication, increase creative expression, or help you access your inner knowing are all throat chakra crystals.

Some of the crystals on the following list can align to more than one chakra, which can help energy flow more effectively between them.

This isn’t an exhaustive list of crystals for the throat chakra, so if you have a crystal that fits in this category, chances are good it will still help balance and align the throat chakra. Use your intuition!

blue crystal

Throat Chakra Crystals (and Their Meanings)

Lapis Lazuli – discerning inner truth and aligning with it, accessing divine wisdom, developing intuition

Blue Lace Agate – communicate with clarity and confidence, supports personal growth, promotes calm
communication, helps with public speaking

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Blue Fluorite – enhances creativity, helps with self-expression, increases insight, grounds and centers energy

Celestite – uplifts and balances energy, connects you with your spirit guides, increases inner strength, also balances the crown and third eye chakras

Amazonite – stone of truth, helps with accessing and speaking your inner truth, increases trust in yourself and your intuition, can balance all of the…

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