Can You Manifest Anything You Want?

Can you manifest anything you want? There’s confusion out there about the Law of Attraction, manifesting, and creating your reality that may confuse you as well. Maybe you wonder why you’re not manifesting anything you want or why you don’t feel happier and fulfilled.

So what I want to do for you today is clarify these concepts and help you understand how this works in a very actionable way that is probably different from what you may have heard before. So before I do that, I want to say that there are spiritual teachers who are teaching these things very well.

And if you have found a technique that has worked for you, then great, but there’s also a lot out there that’s just overly simplified and leads people on the wrong track. So I want to help you. I want to help you understand these concepts.

So, the way things are taught is that you think about what you want, and your thoughts create your reality. You create your reality, and you can get anything you want. Then, you keep focusing on what you want, keep focusing on it, and then put your feelings into it.

How Can You Manifest Anything You Want?

And then, great! You manifest everything like the universe is a candy store, and you want it and ask for it, and then you get it. That’s not how it works because it’s not just your thoughts that create your reality; your thoughts influence how you feel. And it is your feelings that generate energy.

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And it is your energy that draws things to you. But there’s so much more to the Law of Attraction, which means that what you think about you attracts you. First of all, that’s oversimplified, but that is not the only law in the universe. There are a lot of laws in the universe that you need to take into account.

I mean, lots of them! So we live in an infinite universe with infinite possibilities, yet you are a soul that has incarnated into a body for a specific purpose. First, there are different laws in the universe, such as the Law of Karma, the Law of Balance, the Law of Free Will. It’s endless, so. It’s not just, “oh, I want this to happen. That’s going to make it so.” You incarnated into a body with a soul history of karmic, imbalances, karmic patterns, and also gifts. And you are born to manifest your specific gifts.

And you’re also meant to learn spiritual lessons, specific spiritual lessons. It’s part of your soul’s plan. That’s part of your soul’s intention.

And so you can think you want something, but your soul may have another plan for you that’s probably even better than what you think you want. And, and when we’re here looking around at everybody else and comparing ourselves and looking on Instagram and looking at social media, what everybody has and how everybody’s presenting things.

See also  How to use the Law of Attraction to Manifest for Others?

You and everyone, it looks like things can be better than they are. So you think to yourself, “oh, I want that. I’m going to manifest that.” Or your mind may think this is what I want to have security in my life. So I’m going to manifest this, or you may think that you want certain material things, and then when you get those material things or accomplishments or successes, it’s not what you want.

You may think you want it, but then you …

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