5 Sagittarius Soulmates – Based on Sex & Love Compatibility

Astrology has been helping us understand sex and love compatibility for a very long time, and many people use it as guidance when deciding what type of partner fits them best.

I decided to write this article about who are the best Sagittarius Soulmates, to provide a basic set of spiritual guidelines for all the Sagittarius people who are looking for love.

However, I would like to emphasize that, even though I consider Astrology a good starting point for assessing sex & love compatibility between people, I do not think that someone’s Sun Sign is everything you should consider when choosing a life partner.

Solely from an astrological point of view, there are other things to take into account as well, such as their Moon Sign, Rising Sun and so many other aspects that can be found in the intricate birth charts.

This being said I also want to point out that Astrology can show someone’s innate tendencies, however, sometimes, a person is shaped a lot by the environment, especially people who invest in their personal development and growth.

Thus, if you happen to like someone very much but their Sun Sign doesn’t match yours, could still be worth giving them a chance and getting to know them before jumping to conclusions.

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Remember, Astrology is a spiritual tool meant to unite people and help them understand each other; astrology is not meant to divide people and make them judge each other based on their Zodiac Sign.

Just like the hippies said – make love, not war.

So, if you’re a Sagittarius or you’re dating one, continue to read as I will talk about who are Sagittarius’ Soulmates.

Also, I will explain who are the worst matches for Sagittarius  – regarding love and sex compatibility, and of course solely from an astrological perspective.

What Are The Best Soulmates For Sagittarius?

Sagittarius Soulmates gazing at each other

When it comes to understanding what is the best Soulmate for a Sagittarius, I would start with getting some basic Astrology knowledge.

Sagittarius (22nd of November – 21st of December) is a mutable Fire Sign, ruled by Jupiter, the planet of faith, adventure, and optimism.

Thus, Sagittarius people are known for their independence, thirst for adventure, and love for life, which makes them want to explore the best of what life has to offer. 

Sagittarius is an inborn risk-taker, with a fiery and passionate personality.

As a Fire Sign, it can be an excellent leader as well as a very spontaneous and adventurous person.

Also, Sagittarius usually has a lot of energy for traveling, sports, and business, which makes them very dynamic and successful people.

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People born under this sign are usually the people who live unusual lives, full of adventure or traveling, or just succeeding in unexpected domains.

As a mutable sign, Sagittarius is known to thrive on change, be highly adaptative, and live a spontaneous life.

Sagittarius also loves connecting people through their love for adventure and is very good at networking – part of what makes them excellent leaders.

Thus, Sagittarius is most compatible with Fire Signs (characterized by action) and Air Signs (characterized by thinking and creativity). 

Sagittarius is rarely compatible with Earth and Water Signs, who can be a bit too quiet and routine-oriented (Earth Signs) or too emotional and sensitive (Water Signs).

This being said, the best 5 Soulmates for Sagittarius are:

#1. Aries 

This passionate Fire Sign is said to be the best soulmate for Sagittarius, as Aries and the archer share a lot of common values that can make them connect at a deeper level.

Aries and Sagittarius both love adventure, spontaneity, and fun and want to live their lives unapologetically.

They have a strong sense of humor and don’t take things too seriously, which is why they can share a good time together.

As Fire Signs, they share the same…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in subconsciousservant.com. All the rights of content are owned by subconsciousservant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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