35 Life-Changing Positive Affirmations for Stress Relief

In times of stress, overwhelm or crisis, it’s so easy to get swept up in negative patterns of thinking and to feel like you can’t handle what is going on in your external world.

But the truth is, your mindset is the most important part of how you deal with stressful situations, and shifting it can be enough to increase your resilience to stress and not let it take hold.

This is where positive affirmations for stress come in.

man in suit stressed

Positive affirmations for stress relief are a great tool to have for when you might face a challenging situation or event.

Using affirmations like these can help to reframe your thoughts and overcome stressors much more effortlessly.

In fact, affirmations are a tool that I frequently turn to in times of stress, because I know how prone I am to getting sucked into those negative thought spirals and going doom-and-gloom before I even have a chance to catch myself.

Once you have the affirmations in the little toolkit in your brain, they’ll always be there to turn to whenever you need and they’ll serve your growth.

positive affirmations to overcome stress

How to use positive affirmations for stress relief

Before we get onto some of my favourite positive affirmations for stress, I first want to quickly cover how to actually use your positive affirmations for stress relief.

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Because while having a collection of stress relief affirmations is useful (or essential if you’re anything like me!), knowing how to use them is arguably even more important.

Follow these three easy steps to get the most out of your stress affirmations so you can find the relief that you desire – and deserve.

1. Identify and reframe negative thoughts

The first step to releasing stress is becoming aware of how you are contributing to your own stress levels. As with all personal growth practices, self-awareness really is key here.

To become aware of any negative thoughts that are contributing to your stress levels, I would always recommend keeping a journal.

Journaling is an amazing tool to identify thoughts you might not even know you have that are operating in your subconscious.

Getting these thoughts out then allows you to process them in a nonjudgmental way and to seek clarity in stressful situations.

There have been many times where I have been facing overwhelm and I’ve turned to my journal for support. Simply writing my feelings out has allowed me to find peace in situations and get less swept away in my own thoughts.

If you struggle to identify your stress inducing thoughts, these journal prompts for stress relief are an amazing place to start.

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Once you’ve identified your thoughts, you can then work at reframing them and looking for more helpful alternatives that will serve your growth rather than hinder it.

This is where your stress relief affirmations come in.

2. Use positive affirmations for stress relief

Positive affirmations can serve to counteract any self limiting beliefs you are experiencing that are adding to your stress levels. 

They can help to shift your mindset to a more positive one where…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in throughthephases.com. All the rights of content are owned by throughthephases.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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