21 BEST Crystals for Shifting Realities [You Have to Try!]

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Because crystals have high frequencies that influence the energy in our surroundings and our bodies, they are great tools for reality shifting!

The best crystals for shifting can help you drop deeper into meditation, clear negative energy, and help with lucid dreaming.

You can find a crystal that helps with any shifting method you choose!

Let’s go through some of the best crystals for shifting and how to use them!

crystals for shifting - crystals lined up on woman's arm

Best Crystals for Reality Shifting:

Clear Quartz

Clear quartz is the master healer. It helps with clarity, concentration, and manifestation.

It can be programmed with ANY intention and it can amplify energy.

Clear quartz can be used for ANY shifting method because you program it with your intentions!

If you use it for meditation and manifestation, it can also help you focus and clear negative thoughts and vibrations!

clear quartz on a book

Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is a stone that removes negative energy.

It also a highly grounding and protective stone, helping you create an energetic bubble around yourself and your energy.

It can also help you clear negative thoughts and protect yourself from psychic attack, which means it’s great for meditation and manifestation!

A piece of crystal of natural stone black tourmaline in hand

Black Obsidian

Black obsidian is a great stone for shifting because it is a stone of transformation and manifestation.

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It purifies energy and removes all negative energy, thoughts, and fears.

If you have ever stopped yourself right before a shift, then black obsidian can be your best friend!

It can help you feel safer and stable so that you can move forward and shift with ease.

It is also useful for scrying and seeing potential outcomes in the future.

obsidian tumbles

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli opens the third eye, helping you see the truth of situations as well as contact with higher dimensions.

It is the stone of spiritual enlightenment and spiritual growth.

It can also help with self-expression and communication.

It also increases intuition and psychic gifts!

If you find it difficult to contact your higher self or see yourself in other dimensions, lapis lazuli can help.

lapis lazuli crystal

Green Aventurine

Green aventurine is THE stone for good luck and good fortune.

It is the stone of opportunity, helping you always be in the right place at the right time.

It also helps calm the mind, removing anxious thoughts and improving concentration.

If you need help with meditation or opening doors to other realms, green aventurine is the crystal for you.

It also opens the heart chakra, preparing you to embrace a life you’ll truly love.

green aventurine tumbles

Golden Topaz

Golden topaz can help with intention setting and bring manifestations into reality.

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It connects to the crown chakra, helping you achieve higher consciousness and see your highest path in life.

It also opens your mind to new ways of thinking and being so you can transform into your higher self.

golden topaz crystal

Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s eye is a stone of confidence and willpower, helping ground and center yourself into who you really are.

It is also highly protective, helping you have the courage and willpower to change your life.

If you have a hard time standing up for yourself and your vision for your life, use tiger’s eye!

It’s also a great stone to wear or keep in your pocket for strength and protection in your everyday life.

tiger's eye crystal

Rutilated Quartz

Rutilated quartz amplifies intentions and helps you manifest what you want faster.

It clears the mind and increases spiritual growth, helping you receive guidance and insight.

It increases your sense of well-being and helps you disengage from the past or anything that’s holding you back.

This can be extremely helpful if you have a problem moving on or if you feel like you don’t deserve to be happy.

golden rutile quartz

Green Jade

Green jade is a stone of abundance and courage, helping you attract good luck and trust in the abundance of the Universe.

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It removes fear and doubt, helping you manifest what you want more quickly.

It also allows you to open up to your true self and go after your dreams.

If you need the courage and inner strength to shift, green jade can give you the pick-me-up you need.

green jade tumbles


Citrine is a stone of positivity and financial success.

It increases happiness and creativity, but also helps you envision and pursue your goals.

If you tend to be pessimistic or have problems attracting wealth and abundance, using citrine can help you see the sunny side of life.

It also opens the solar plexus chakra, giving you the energy, inner strength, and confidence to go after what you really want.

citrine tumbles


Amethyst is the stone of higher spirit and positive energy, connecting you to the spirit realm.

It is calming and soothing so it’s also extremely helpful for meditation and lucid dreaming.

Amethyst is a crystal that can be used in all…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in peacelovefengshui.com. All the rights of content are owned by peacelovefengshui.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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