Chakra Balancing with Crystals (Crystals and Chakras for Beginners!)

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  • Chakras can become blocked over time because of stress and negative energy in your life.
  • You can use crystals to unblock and balance each chakra in your body (it’s a simple process!)
  • Crystals can recalibrate your chakras by aligning your vibration to the crystal.

Chakra balancing with crystals is a very important part of energy healing.

Over time, your aura (and your chakras) can become energetically blocked due to stress, other people’s energy, and just from daily life.

Keeping your aura and chakras cleansed on a regular basis will keep your energy field clear and help you move through life more easily.

It can also help you manifest your dreams and desires more quickly because you aren’t carrying around energy that blocks manifestations!

chakra balancing with crystals: chakra healing crystal grid

Using crystals to cleanse and balance your chakras helps realign them to their natural state.

Each of the chakras has its own vibration and is responsible for different aspects of your life.

Crystals help realign your chakras by balancing your energy fields, and aligning them with the vibration of the crystal.

Crystals and Chakras for Beginners: How Chakras Work

The 7 chakras are the energy centers of the body.

Each energy center is associated with aspects of your physical body, your energetic body (aura), your emotional body, and how you interact with the world and others.

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The chakras form a line straight up and down your spine, representing how energy flows from the earth, through your body, and up into the outer Universe (and vice-versa.)

When one of the energy centers is blocked, this stops the flow of energy, which can cause energy to get stuck.

Unblocking and balancing your chakra energy means you are able to freely communicate with the earth, the Universe, and other energetic beings.

It also means it’s easier for you to exist in the world because you aren’t energetically stuck.

hand holding 7 chakra crystals

The way the chakra system relates to the flow of Chi (life force energy) in your body is very similar to the way Chi flows throughout your home in feng shui.

If one of the energy centers of your home is blocked, it stops the flow of energy throughout the rest of your life.

The same is true of the chakra system and your body.

If one of your chakra energy systems is blocked, it affects the flow of energy in your life.

In fact, the two systems are energetically related – your home mirrors your body (and your life) and your body mirrors your home.

Often, when you’re working on the feng shui energy flow in your home, you’re also working through the energy flow in your body, too.

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This is why it can be helpful to also know about the chakra system and how to balance your chakras.

Balancing your chakras will reflect the balance of energy in your home, too!

chakra illustration with healing crystals on top

The 7 Chakras

The 7 Chakras start at the crown of the head and go down your spine to the base.

Each of the chakras is associated with a color, as well as different characteristics of your energetic body and your physical body. Let’s go through each one briefly.

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

Location: crown of the head
Color: violet / white
Physical Body: brain, nervous system, pituitary gland
Responsible for: spiritual wisdom, connection to the Universe, clarity, enlightenment
Unbalanced: spiritual disconnection, inability to connect to others, depression, isolation, loneliness

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

Location: center of the forehead
Color: indigo
Physical Body: eyes, nose, ears, skeletal body, pineal gland
Responsible for: intuition, inner truth, cosmic insight, vision, inspiration, channeling and psychic ability, connecting to the Higher Self
Unbalanced: feeling stuck, lack of vision for life, confusion, brain fob, inability to think clearly

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

Location: base of the throat
Color: blue
Physical Body: thyroid gland, throat, ears, nose, teeth, mouth, carotid artery
Responsible for: communication (listening, speaking, and writing,) speaking your truth, self-expression
Unbalanced: communication problems, unable to speak your truth, shyness

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Heart Chakra (Anahata)

Location: heart / center of the chest
Color: green
Physical Body: circulatory system (& heart,) respiratory system (& lungs,) arms, hands, shoulders, ribs, breasts, diaphragm
Responsible for: acceptance, compassion for self and others, forgiveness, love for self and others, balance
Unbalanced: no personal boundaries, no compassion for self or others, unable to feel connected or loving towards self and others, inability to feel loved

chakra crystal grid with 7 chakra crystals and clear quartz

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

Location: between the sternum and the navel
Color: yellow
Physical Body: nervous system, stomach, gall bladder, liver, pancreas, large intestine
Responsible for: personal power, confidence, life purpose, motivation, responsibility, decision-making, happiness
Unbalanced: Feeling powerless, lack of confidence, inability to follow dreams and ambitions,…

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