17 Ways the Universe Communicates With You (signs from spirit) — Follow Your Own Rhythm

The universe is talking to us.  It is trying to get our attention.  It is trying to guide us, connect with us, and wake us up

There are plenty of signs out there but are we looking? Are we listening? And do we even know what to look for?

How many times do you wish you had a sign for what direction you should take in life?

How many times did you ask for an answer but didn’t know how to receive it?

How often do you feel alone and unsupported in life?

When you are tuned in to how the universe is communicating with you, life becomes a lot less confusing, and you start to feel a lot more aligned and connected.  

(Note: I use the terms Universal Spirit, Universal Truth, Universe, Source, Divine, Spirit, Love, Life, God synonymously).

However, since we live in a physical world, we also experience physical limitations.  These physical limitations don’t exactly allow for Spirit to tap you on the shoulder and say “yes, I think you should take that job,” therefore, we have to pay attention to the more subtle and creative ways Spirit uses to send us messages.

The key is to SLOW DOWN, as in overall just live life at a slower pace, and BE AS PRESENT AS POSSIBLE so that you can tune into whatever sign shows up in your life.

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If you’re stuck in your head worrying, overthinking, overanalyzing, rushing and being busy, judging and being angry, you’re never going to realize when Spirit is trying to get your attention.  You have to be present, open, and willing to receive answers.

Experiencing Miracles

Every sign that I ever get I consider a miracle because it’s a direct connection with Source.  I know that when I see a sign, Source is right there communicating with me, guiding me, and I know I am surrounded by pure Love.  This is indeed a very miraculous experience. 

The thing is however, that these miracles aren’t as you’d imagine or how the movies depict them. There are no angels falling from the sky (at least not literally and physically), and there isn’t a face in the sky talking to you and giving you guidance. 

The signs are less ethereal and are sort of incorporated into the structures and routines of everyday life.  The signs are subtle, indirect, and can be very gentle and quiet, although sometimes pretty loud and obvious too.

Universal Spirit isn’t out there somewhere, it’s in everything and everyone; all around us, and therefore is intertwined in the ordinary moments of life. 

This means you can get a sign in the shower, while you’re washing dishes, arguing with your partner, or stuck in traffic.  The moment doesn’t have to be glamorous for there to be a sign, but seeing a sign in these unglamorous moments will surely make the moment more glamorous. 

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Also, each sign that comes to you has a message that is unique to you and to your specific situation, and you see signs at the place and time that you’re meant to see them. 

Because of this, signs are not a “one size fits all” deal, and therefore you have to interpret them on an intuitive level and from a more conscious perspective. It’s essential that you take your ego and fears out of the way and let your intuition guide you.

With all of that said, let’s go over some ways in which Universal Spirit communicates with us!


1. Through people

Universal Spirit comes to us in the form of people.  Don’t ask me how this happens, but the universe has a way of using people as vehicles to carry out certain messages. 

This can be through meeting a random person who perhaps tells you something or does something that sparks something within you or triggers a deep knowing inside of you, offers you an opportunity, getting a text or phone call from someone, hearing a message on the radio, or overhearing a conversation. 

Obviously not everything you hear is a sign, but it IS a sign when you are specifically looking for an answer that gets answered by someone randomly telling you something that relates to your question.  You will intuitively feel that this is way too random for it not to be a sign from the universe.  The key then is to actually FOLLOW it.

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For example, if you are contemplating keeping or leaving your current job where you are being offered a promotion and you’re panicking and freaking out because you have to decide within a short period of time, and then suddenly out of nowhere you get a text message from one of your coworkers saying “I hate this job, they totally screwed me, they lied about my raise,” then I would say that that was the universe coming through this person to tell you to leave the job.  This is actually a true story of something that just recently happened to my husband and I. It really was miraculous.   

2.  Synchronicity

A synchronicity is a random occurrence of events that seem coincidental, serendipitous, and related, yet are not connected by any one thing. 

For example, you are driving to work and see a child with a red balloon, then you get to work and someone…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in followyourownrhythm.com. All the rights of content are owned by followyourownrhythm.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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