Covid Vaccine Anxiety and the Distant Symbol

To state that I had anxiety around the issue of getting the Covid vaccine would be a huge understatement. As much as I wanted the vaccine, I was also, equal parts terrified to get it. I know this was due in part to; media coverage regarding the efficacy and safety of the vaccine, a bad experience with medication a little over a year ago in the emergency department of our local hospital, and the fact that my dad died from Covid.

For my first vaccine appointment, I did self Reiki treatments in line. I was there about an hour and used hand positions for my Reiki treatment. I, mostly, visualized Reiki energy coming down through my Crown chakra and exiting through the soles of my feet. I also practiced deep breathing while waiting. My anxiety caused some issues with the vaccine, mainly an elevated blood pressure, and flushing of my skin. Once home, I was so exhausted that I ended up, in bed, for the next couple of days.

What was interesting to me, was when I told the nurse that I was feeling flushed and incredibly hot, she said, “Oh yeah. That’s a big thing. Let me guess, you have a lot of anxiety?”. I responded that I did and she explained, “A lot of people are coming in here and having strong reactions as soon as they see the needle. It’s not an allergic reaction, since, obviously they haven’t been injected, but it’s the stress of this past year being released.”.

For my second vaccination appointment, I knew that I needed to come up with a stronger plan to combat my anxiety.

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Several days prior to my appointment, I started giving myself Reiki treatments. I used the Distant symbol to send Reiki to myself at the time of the appointment. Since Reiki works, using methods that aren’t always understandable, to a lay person’s concept of time and space, I know that you can use the Distant symbol to program it for a future time of need. So, in addition to using Cho Ku Rei for my self sessions, and Sei He Ki to aid in the mental and emotional aspects related to the anxiety, I added the Distant symbol, with the date and time of the appointment.

About an hour before my appointment, I combined meditation with deep breathing and followed it with another Reiki session. I picked up my peach moonstone palm stone and sent Reiki to the stone. Peach moonstone is a very gentle stone. Just looking at it is calming. The metaphysical properties for this stone are to help with emotional needs and anxiety. It’s a nurturing stone, in its presence you can find calmness and balance.

I pocketed my palm stone and set off for the appointment. Was I still nervous? Absolutely. However, I recognize my signs of being nervous. I think that’s because I do full body scans everyday. So I am able to differentiate anxiety from an actual reaction to the vaccine. I knew that my first appointment did not have any negative reactions except those related to anxiety.

Covid Vaccine Anxiety and the Distant Symbol

My preparations paid off. The second appointment, while still having…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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