The 7 Dark Night Of The Soul Stages [An Eye-Opening Guide]

The Dark Night of the Soul is an increasingly popular topic, because, as the vibration of planet Earth is rising and the world we live in is in continuous transformation, more and more people start experiencing it. 

If you chose to read this article, you most likely are experiencing this spiritual challenge, therefore I will describe in detail the 7 Dark Night of the Soul stages:

1. Waking up to the truth

2. The triggering event/ events

3. The Darkest time of your life

4. The Rollercoaster

5. Discovering your life purpose

6. Attaining balance

7. Becoming the best version of yourself

Reading about these stages will help you gain a better understanding of your own journey with it and how to emerge from it sooner.

What is the Dark Night of the Soul? 

The dark night of the soul stages

Spiritual people from different cultures have been speaking about the Dark Night of the soul in their books and writings for centuries. 

It is a concept that has been deeply explored by Christianity, but one carmelite priest, John of the Cross, actually described the whole process in his poem “Noche Oscura”. 

Therefore, people have been experiencing this since time immemorial, but what exactly is the Dark Night of the Soul?

The Dark Night of the Soul is a period of time in a person’s life when a lot of difficult experiences will happen, to make them grow spiritually, find their purpose in life, pay heavy karma, and understand deep karmic and spiritual lessons. 

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How Long Does It Take To Move Through The Dark Night Of The Soul Stages? 

The duration of the Dark Night of the soul is different from person to person. 

For some people, passing through the Dark Night of the Soul stages lasts a few weeks, for others months or years, whereas for others it lasts decades. 

It all depends on how old you are as a soul, what truths you need to wake up to, how much karma you have to pay, and what lessons you have to learn.  

Another important aspect is how quick you are when it comes to learning your spiritual lessons. 

If you accept the lessons that life is presenting to you, integrate them, and move on with serenity, you are likely to end your Dark Night of the Soul sooner. 

However, if you are someone who likes to be in control of things and fight the direction that the Universe opens up for them, you may end up facing the same situations over and over again until you learn your lesson and align with your ultimate purpose.

It’s important to note that older souls can sometimes (not always) have tougher and longer Dark Nights of the Soul, as they may have more karma to pay than young souls. 

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Also, souls with a big ego can have more difficult Dark Nights of the Soul because they fail to have faith in what the Universe brings and tend to always want to control things. This prevents them from moving on and learning the lesson.

During the Dark Night of the Soul, life will present you with all sorts of painful situations.

Your ego will be torn to pieces and you will need to face who you are as a person and as a spirit. 

But before that, you will find your connection to the Divine, and ultimately, your life purpose and mission here on earth. 

The journey of the Dark Night of the Soul can be compared to a butterfly emerging from its cocoon.

At first, the butterfly is scared and thinks his life is over, but in reality, his life has just begun and he starts to fly as high as he wants. 

The 7 Dark Night of the Soul Stages

showing the dark night of the soul stages

1. Waking up to the truth 

The first stage of the Dark Night of the Soul is waking up to the truth and becoming spiritually open and awake. 

Before this, you were probably living your life just like anyone – going to work, coming home to sleep eat, and spending time with your loved ones. 

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Then, all of a sudden you started feeling the urge to discover more.

You start to feel and understand that life has a spiritual meaning as well, and that there is a higher force in this universe. 

There could be a person helping you realize this, or a situation, or even a place.

You could even come to this realization on your own.

In this stage you become more interested in the spiritual world, and start exploring it, trying to find your path and understand your journey.

This realization, that there is a Divine Energy out there and that we live in a spiritual world gives your life a whole new meaning. 

You feel stronger and wiser than before, and you could even feel very happy and very aligned with who you’re supposed to be. 

The only thing is that you’re only at the beginning of your spiritual journey, and you haven’t yet discovered who you’re meant to be. 

2. The triggering event 

The Dark Night of the Soul is always triggered by something that happens to you. 

This event could be something negative, as well as something…

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