How to Feng Shui Your Life: 10 Tips for Transformation

INSIDE: Feng shui is the ancient philosophy that helps us level up the energy in our home, and in doing so, we can change our lives. It helps us gain more control of the energy that comes in and out of our space. Let’s learn how to feng shui your life now!


Energy is the real deal, and since everything is energy, that includes our thoughts. Each thought we have has a direct impact on our reality.

Interesting research on ScienceDirect has confirmed that simply visualizing positive outcomes can help us feel more serene, even if we are prone to anxiety and worrying.

However, did you know that the things we own and the space we live in also have an energetic frequency that impacts the quality of our lives? Just think about all the times a messy room has made you feel exhausted just by looking at it. You get the picture.

Did you also know that you can feng shui your life to boost the positive energy in your space? We’re going to dive into what that means and how feng shui can improve the quality of your life. 

Sage and Palo Santo

How Can Feng Shui Change Your Life?

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese philosophy that combines five ethereal elements and interior decorating rules to create the perfect flow of energy. When wood, fire, earth, water, and metal are in perfect harmony, the energy in a living space becomes high-vibrational. 

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To use feng shui principles is to make your home a beautiful space that encourages growth, creates peace, and attracts abundance. However, this philosophy is much more than simply beautifying the home. It’s about changing its vibration and therefore changing your vibration.

Here are the main benefits of using feng shui in your home…

It Creates Balance

Feng Shui blends five different elements. When used properly in an interior, these principles help create harmony, both in terms of energy and the space you live in.

Because the five elements carry different vibrations, all of which resonate with certain aspects of our being, they support the flow of energy around you when carefully blended in a space.

This way, feng shui helps alleviate the effects of stress and tension and eliminate blockages in aspects of your life. On the other hand, feng shui principles also serve to calm the overactive energy, thus creating a perfectly balanced environment.

It Will Boost Your Mood

The fact is, everyone feels happier when a home is mindfully decorated. To feng shui your life means to use this ancient wisdom to create stunning interiors that are in alignment with who you are and what you need.

Because it improves the flow of good chi, feng shui helps invite joy and happiness into your life, so you can enjoy every moment spent at home.

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When your Bagua areas are designed and decorated to invite positive vibrations, high-vibrational energy and people will naturally be drawn to you. Not only that, but this good vibration is more likely to stay with you and in your space, providing continuous nourishment for the soul.

Interior Decorating With Feng Shui

It Will Help You Attract & Manifest 

Because feng shui contributes to how aligned we feel, when used properly, these ancient rules can actually help rewire us to receive all the goods we desire.

Through working with objects and energy, feng shui helps us set clearer intentions, and even more than that, it can help us attract what we need and want to manifest faster.

Whether it’s a relationship, a dream job, more friendships, or success, being mindful about decorating our space and how we use the five elements can work in our favor.

When the energy in the home or office becomes more high-vibrational, attracting abundance comes easily.

It Will Eliminate Negativity From Your Life 

When negative energy is removed from our space, miracles can happen. By finding ways to feng shui your life that matches your frequency, you’re raising the vibration of the space you’re in.

Feng shui clears up space from stagnancy and fears that prevent us from living the life we want to live and replaces them with hope and optimism.

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This ancient practice is used to improve the quality of life, encouraging the flow of energy, and banishing negativity from your space.

No matter if negativity stems from limiting beliefs, external factors, past hurts, or memories, the five elements will work to unblock you, removing anything that weighs on you energetically.

It Creates a Healthy Environment

Some of the main rules of feng shui highlight how important it is to declutter, fix, replace, and get rid of the old.

Feng shui highlights the importance of having a clean space and letting fresh air and light into our homes. It magnifies how powerful the effect of beautiful, healthy plants and fruits can have on the chi in the room.

All of these principles, tips, and tricks do wonders for our energy, but they also do something else – they work to improve our health, creating a healthier space that nourishes the body, mind, and soul.

While light, fresh air, water, and clean spaces are crucial for our health, we sometimes unintentionally…

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