Reclaim Your Divine Feminine this Women’s Day

The balance of the feminine and masculine on the planet has been off for decades, or maybe centuries now, and contrary to our belief that it mainly hurts women, it actually hurts everyone. We haven’t just placed men on the pedestal, but masculine values and principles. We all have an inner feminine and masculine, and as the external percolates down to the internal, an imbalance in the outer world will invariably disrupt our inner balance.

  • The masculine aspect within us is the outward focused, materialistic aspect of us that seeks and finds security, stability and material prosperity. It values power, possession and conquest. When out of balance, the inner masculine can manifest as controlling, overly materialistic, aggressive, power-hungry and dominating behaviour.
  • The feminine aspect within us is the inward focused, spiritual aspect that seeks and finds connection, love and physical and emotional nourishment.  When out of balance, the inner feminine can manifest as manipulative, clingy and needy, submissive, or passive behaviour.

There is a clear attempt to balance this out in the external world, and we can all do our bit to balance ourselves deep within as well. Here are a few things we can do to bring more balance within ourselves.

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Slow Down

Nature does not continuously progress. Rest is a critical, integral part of life, and we have forgotten this. We run around all day to build a beautiful garden, without ever stopping to smell or appreciate the roses that come and wither away. Take a little focus away from the to-do lists and the ambitious plans and allow yourself all the rest your body, mind and spirit requires. Stop and smell those roses, take that time out to appreciate the way the light falls on your loved one’s face, sleep more, love more.

A lovely bath with candles and essential oils or a long warm shower after a relaxing massage is a wonderful way to celebrate yourself this Women’s Day! Remember to Reiki the oils, candles and bath water or the showerhead.

Observe. Listen. Connect.

We all talk these days, either verbally or on social media, and listening is fast becoming a disappearing art. For the coming week, promise to not interrupt anyone, and to truly listen when they speak. Listen to yourself when you speak too. Slow down enough to observe people, reactions, words and life in general.

Flood the person you are speaking with, or use the distant healing symbol to connect more deeply with the people you converse with.

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Receive. Absorb.

Once we start to listen, we become more aware of what is being sent our way, and more often that not, we find that receiving even the good things is actually overwhelming or simply embarrassing. Accept that compliment with grace, allow yourself to receive the love being offered, and open yourself to receiving whatever abundance and also challenges life brings your way. You deserve all the abundance you receive, and you are strong enough to face all the challenges presented to you.

Reclaim Your Divine Feminine this Women’s Day

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