Does Reiki Make The Menstrual Cycle Easier? – Reiki Galore

Women are very good at dealing with pain. I don’t only mean emotional pain but also physical pain.

Have you ever experienced chaotic periods or menstruation? They give you a combination of headaches, cramps, and dizziness. These kinds of periods are enough to make you mad.

So, does reiki make the Menstrual cycle easier? Reiki Attunement is a spiritual healing method that can affect the menstrual cycle. The benefits that it gives will help you deal with the issues that you experience during menstruation.

I’m sure that you’ve tried various home remedies to treat painful and delayed periods. Some work and some don’t. However, treatments for menstruation have effects that don’t last for long if ever they work.

Why not try Reiki Attunement? Though not backed by science yet, several women practitioners already attest to its benefits.

What Is Reiki Attunement?

Reiki Attunement is a spiritual healing method where you learn to connect and feel the universal life force that binds all humans. The Japanese call this universal life energy Reiki ( Rei for “universal life” and “ki” for energy).

The form of Reiki Attunement that people practice in the U.S nowadays originated from Japan in 1920 and was founded by Usui Mikao.

However, Reiki Attunement may have been practiced during Japan’s later years.

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Research suggests that there are at least four other types of Reiki Attunement and Usui Mikao might have developed his style of harnessing Reiki from these.

By the way, you should know that Reiki isn’t an occult practice.

Reiki isn’t black magicPracticing Reiki is similar to practicing yoga.

All you need to do is concentrate and follow the instructions of your teacher.

So does Reiki affect menstruationReiki can positively affect menstrual cycles.

let discuss some common menstrual problems that women experience. This will help you understand the points about Reiki and menstruation which I will discuss in the later parts of this article.

What Causes Delayed Menstruation?

Delayed menstruation is a problem that young and mature women experience. Women who are about to undergo pregnancy usually experience this.

However, there are other causes of delayed or abnormal menstrual cycle aside from un upcoming pregnancy.

Age has a significant effect on women’s menstrual cycle. Delayed periods become more common as you grow old. By age 30 or 40, you might start to experience delays that span for 3 months or even more.

Hormonal imbalance is another cause of delayed menstruation. Estrogen is a hormone that encourages your body to undergo menstruation.

When the estrogen levels in your body are too low or too high, your body finds it hard to menstruate. You may then experience delays as a result.

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Stress might also cause delayed periods because it leads to sleep deprivation. Continuously depriving yourself of sleep leads to hormonal imbalance that gives you delayed periods.

Finally, delayed menstruation might be a result of obesity. A study conducted in Korean women aged 19 years and above shows that obese respondents experience regular menstrual delays. An overweight body tends to produce excess estrogen which disrupts normal menstrual cycles.

What Causes Painful Periods?

During periods, your uterus produces prostaglandins Your uterus produces prostaglandins to heal itself as you menstruate.

However, the uterus plays a terrible joke sometimes and it produces excess amounts of prostaglandins.

Excess amount of prostaglandins results in menstrual cramps. Too much prostaglandin leads to a severe contraction of uterine walls or inflammation of the uterus itself. You experience pain as a result of this.

Can you use Reiki for menstrual cramps?

for a young woman, the effects of Reiki last for at least 10 years. But when you grow old, you may have to recharge your energy field every five years with a Reiki master’s touch or with repeated Reiki Attunement sessions.

If you want to use Reiki to ease the discomfort brought about by menstrual cramps, you should do it twice a day.

Doing Reiki for five minutes each time is enough to help with the pain and help you live through your menstrual period comfortably.

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Can Reiki affect the quality of life?

Reiki can improve your lifestyle because it relaxes your body and mind. There will be fewer disappointments or frustrations when you are in a relaxed state.

Heavy period after reiki

Reiki is a very calming energy that helps your body deal with menstruation. Doing Reiki can improve the quality of your life even during periods.

However, if you have a heavy flow after doing Reiki on yourself, you should consult a medical professional. This may be an indication that there are other problems going on inside your body. Reiki is not a substitute for regular medicine but rather complementary to it.

Reiki for period pain

You definitely can use reiki for period pain and it will help relax and reduce the pain associated with menstruation. It can also help increase your energy which helps with stamina during…

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