Dream of Being Pulled/Lifted by Invisible Force? 7 Signs!

Whenever you dream of being pulled by an invisible force, it means that something spiritual is going on around you. 

This isn’t something to trifle with. 

Not everybody experiences this!

Therefore, read this article to understand what’s happening to you. 

Could this be a negative sign?

Let’s dig in!!!

Meaning of dream of being pulled out of bed by an invisible force

Meaning of dream of being pulled out of bed by an invisible force

Whenever you have this dream, it means laziness. This sign was given to inspire hard work and diligence. Being pulled out of bed by an invisible force means you need to put yourself under pressure to build resilience, discipline, and doggedness. 

In addition to this, being pulled out of bed by an invisible force (in a dream) is a spiritual omen of growth.

This inspires you to grow. It helps you to see the possibility of becoming a better version of yourself by enduring the growth process. 

Furthermore, whenever you have this strange dream, it means that the universe wants you to get out of your comfort zone. The bed is a spiritual item of comfort. Sleeping in it means you’re refusing to let go of your comfort

Once you’re pulled out of it by an invisible force, then, it indicates the need to break out of your comfort zone. Doing uncomfortable things brings you closer to the actualization of your dreams, goals, and aspirations. 

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This dream could also be a sign of spiritual sensitivity. It was given to awaken your curiosity, which opens up your mind to more signs and omens as answers.

Read the spiritual meaning of seeing yourself in a mirror in a dream.

Meaning of dream of being lifted by an invisible force

Woman being lifted by an invisible force

Being lifted by an invisible force in your dream is a powerful sign. This message was given to you for specific reasons, which you will find out in this section

Whenever you have this dream, it could be a sign of divine promotion. This means you are getting a raise at work. A good deed of yours will give you the much-needed accolade, which will provoke the powers that be to lift you from your current ranks. 

In addition to this, being lifted by an invisible force in your dream means you possess spiritual abilities. The dream was given to awaken your mind to this. Henceforth, stop seeing yourself as NORMAL. You are different from other people around you. 

This dream is a sign of self-discovery. It was given to inspire an uncovering of your unique abilities and potential. Being lifted by an invisible force in your dream is telling you to understand more about yourself. 

Spiritually, whenever you have this dream, it’s a calling sign towards embracing change. The universe sent this sign to reveal that something new is coming. Be ready to go through the transition process. 

See also  11 Biblical Meanings of Doors in Dreams: It's a Good Sign?

Being lifted by an invisible force in your dream is a sign of spiritual ascension. This reveals that you are changing levels in the spirit realm.

Read the spiritual meaning of seeing two of the same person in a dream.

Meaning of dream of being pulled by an invisible force

Spiritual energies around us

Being pulled by an invisible force in your dream is a sign of pressure. It mostly speaks of pressure. This sign advises you against pressure.

For example, if you have this dream shortly after hearing of the major success of one of your friends, it might be a sign of external pressure. It means you are about to put yourself under undue pressure to attain the same result. BACK AWAY!!!

This dream comes with a strong caution sign against mounting unnecessary pressures on yourself. 

It also speaks against pressures from the past. If you find it hard to forgive yourself for past mistakes, then, you might dream of being pulled by an invisible force. Once this happens, the heavens want you to let go of the past

Being pulled by an invisible force in your dream might also speak of moving forward with your life. If the force comes with a push, then, it speaks of forging ahead with the plans you have. 

See also  The Dark Side of Spiritual Awakenings | Aglow Lifestyle

Spiritually, when you are pulled by an invisible force in your dream, it also means that a spirit being is around.

Also read the spiritual meaning of water overflowing in dreams.

7 Signs from dreaming about being pulled by an invisible force

Dreaming about being pulled by an invisible force

In this section, we will discuss the 7 signs of dreaming about being pulled by an invisible force. 

Read on to understand the reason for this dream. 

Is this a sign of death? Or does it speak of something else?

Let’s discuss more!!!

1) Lack of self-expression

Whenever you have this dream, it is a sign of restraint. It means you find it hard to express yourself. This dream was given to help you break free from the bondage. You need to be courageous. It is time to speak up for yourself more often. This is how to be heard and respected. 

2) Spiritual attention

This dream is a sign of spiritual attention. Being pulled by an invisible force in your dream means that the universe needs your attention. It is a call to spiritual…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in angelicalbalance.com. All the rights of content are owned by angelicalbalance.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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