Dreams of Being Kidnapped: 11 Spiritual Meanings

There are 11 spiritual meanings of being kidnapped in a dream. These meanings form a message for you, and it tells you either to be scared of this dream or not.

The dreams of being kidnapped come with mixed messages.

Some might be a warning message, others can be motivational, while you might also get prophetic messages.

When you dream of being kidnapped, you should be concerned about its spiritual message.

Why is that? It is because this dream is not common.

In a year, you might have this dream only twice. Ignoring the message from dreams of being kidnapped puts you at risk of falling into traps. 

Therefore, read this article to find out more. Having an insight into the spiritual significance of being kidnapped in a dream has numerous benefits.

We will discuss this in more detail.

What does it mean when you Dream of Getting Kidnapped?

Getting kidnapped in a dream meaning

When you dream of getting kidnapped, it means that you are scared of losing your way in life. This talks about losing confidence in your ability to make wise decisions.

You are not entirely to blame for this mindset. Your experiences have formed who you are and what you think of yourself. 

The dream was given to expose this mindset. You will commonly find other dreams to explain how to get out of this mold.

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That is, dreams of getting kidnapped reveal your fears, while other dreams will be given to tell you how to overcome that fear.

Generally, when you dream of getting kidnapped, it is a spiritual message.

This means that the universe has something to say to you.

Getting more specific will have to deal with the situation surrounding the kidnapping. We will talk about this later on. 

Let us discuss another major question on dreams of being kidnapped.

What does it mean when you Dream of being Kidnapped and Escaping?

Escaping in dreams

This is a complete message.

Previously, we saw that dreams of getting kidnapped expose your fear of losing your way.

Now, when you dream of escaping from the kidnap scene, it talks about rising above your fears.

This means that you have finally found a way to get out of that mindset mold.

In the spiritual world, having dreams of being kidnapped and escaping talks about letting go of the fears you have about your ability to make wise choices.

Escaping in that dream reveals your deliberate effort to believe in your decision-making abilities.

In the spiritual world, escaping from a kidnap in a dream helps you to understand the power of self-will.

Do you know that it takes courage, will, and determination to escape from a kidnap scene? Seeing yourself accomplishing this in a dream means you dare to face your fears.

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In addition to this, dreams of getting kidnapped and escaping tell you to refuse to be held down by people.

It tells you to take your life into your own hands, and be determined to take responsibility.

4 Reasons why you Dream about being Kidnapped

About the dream

1. The Universe is sending a message to you

The first, common, and major reason for dreaming about being kidnapped come from the universe.

You will have this dream when the universe has a message for you.

In the spiritual world, dreams of being kidnapped come by design. It is not a coincidence. You should also know that dreams are spiritually coded messages.

Through the images we see, messages are sent into our souls, which serve as a guiding light.

Therefore, when you dream about being kidnapped, it means the universe has a message for you.

2. You are scared of something

Fear also makes us dream of being kidnapped.

Now, does this mean you should discard that dream? No, don’t do that.

Dreaming about being kidnapped might be caused by fear, but it has a spiritual message attached. The reason for having this dream can stem from fear. 

This means that you are scared of something.

Majorly, it means you are scared of failing or losing your way in life. The dream about being kidnapped comes to expose your inner fears. It brings them to light.

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3. You don’t feel safe

Another reason for having dreams about being kidnapped is that you don’t feel safe.

When you get to a new environment, this is bound to happen.

Because of how strange the environment is, you will not feel secure like living in a familiar environment.

Due to this, you might begin to dream of being kidnapped.

This does not mean you should pay less attention to the dream.

It could be a message from the universe. However, your feeling of insecurity can trigger the image to form in your mind. 

4. Lack of Trust

Anytime you begin to doubt your friends, it is possible to dream of being kidnapped by them.

It is not normal to doubt your friends for no reason.

They might have hurt you in the past or betrayed you with their words. These are 2 major reasons for doubting them. 

The dream you had about being kidnapped by them reveals your fears. 

Dream of Being Kidnapped: 11 Spiritual…

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