Chakra Testing and Balancing Using the Pendulum

What is dowsing?

Dowsing is a method of investigation and energy analysis. In free translation, it is the perception of radiation. Dowsing can be physical, spiritual, or mental. It works based on waves emitted by an object towards a receiver. The first documented dowsing measuring instrument is the hazelnut stick used for finding water sources. Holding a Y-shaped hazelnut stick in the right hand, the dowser searched and found using its vibration where a water source was.

What is a pendulum?

The pendulum is a weight hung by a wire, which amplifies and makes visible very weak movements of the hand in which it is held.

Although the pendulum is usually made of crystals, you don’t really need to buy anything fancy to enjoy the divinatory power of this instrument. Any symmetrical, proportionally made, non-magnetized object hanging from a chain is enough, as long as you feel attached to it and it has a comfortable length and weight. The magic of a pendulum lies in the energy it channels, not in the object itself, so if you want to try to play a little before officially investing in one, you can do it with anything at hand.

How do we use the pendulum?

The pendulum can promptly answer a mental and precise question, it can help to find a lost person or an object, to find oil or water deposits. We can also use it to find out the status of the chakras and help balance them.

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How do we choose the right crystal for the pendulum?

Choosing the right pendulum is like choosing the right crystal – there is no right or wrong method. Trust your intuition and give yourself permission to be attracted to the right pendulum for your energy. From a variety of different pendulums, choose the one that attracts you when you look at it and you touch it. Hold it in your hands, close your eyes and look deeply at how you feel. If you experience subtle vibrations or temperature changes in your palms, body, or the pendulum feels different, it may be the right one.

If you want a guideline, you can choose the crystal for the pendulum according to its compatibility with your zodiac sign:

  • a rock crystal pendulum is recommended for fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)
  • an amethyst pendulum is indicated for water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
  • a Bakelite pendulum is indicated for earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
  • any material pendulum is indicated for air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

Beyond these recommendations, however, it is important to understand that you do not choose the pendulum, but rather it chooses you. More specifically, it chooses your energy.

I especially like rock crystals, because they decompose the spectral light into the seven colours of the main chakras, reflecting them back on us when used under the light.

Chakra Testing and Balancing Using the Pendulum

How do we connect to the pendulum?

The first step is to calibrate and align our energy with the energy of the pendulum. The pendulum connects to you and your energy at that moment, that particular time…

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