My #1 Easy Love Spell For Finding New Love | Welcome To Wicca Now

Hi, my magickal warriors, and welcome to WiccaNow. Recently, I’ve been covering a pretty eclectic range of topics, like this post on witch wands, one on how to set up a witchy altar, a healing spell and this botanical witchipedia. I’m going to continue down this meandering path today and share an easy love spell with you, because who doesn’t love love?  

Who doesn’t love love? Whether you’re looking for a lover or a long-lasting love, this spell will help you find love in all its forms.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been finding myself cooped up inside without access to some of the ingredients and tools I would normally be able to go out and buy. This means that I’ve been getting a little creative with my spell/ritual tools and ingredients. 

Being able to practice magick definitely isn’t about having 100 ingredients and tools for each spell, in fact, you can cast a spell with 0 ingredients and tools. Magick comes from you and the tools are just there to help you focus your energy and increase the power of your spells. 

woman sitting crosslegged against a multicoloured heart
YOU are the only thing you need to cast a successful love spell!

The love spell I want to share today is a really easy one. It doesn’t require that many tools, and you could do it with absolutely nothing extra if you find yourself at home with no access to magickal tools. 

This easy love spell is meant to find you a new love or lover so if you are looking to rekindle an old flame or are trying to get back a love you’ve lost, this isn’t the spell for you. Check out this spell for reconciliation instead! If you want a few different options, or perhaps a more complicated love spell, check out these love spells that work or this honey jar spell for love. 

See also  The Intriguing Magickal Properties of Patchouli | Welcome To Wicca Now

My Favourite Easy Love Spell

A few notes on this easy love spell before we get started

  • While a spell seems like a great fix, remember that nothing is instant and you can’t conjure something out of thin air. You can cast a spell to find a new love, but if you don’t put yourself out there in some way, it’s going to be pretty hard to meet someone! Magick and spellwork is all about increasing the energy flow in order to manifest what you want. Just like you can’t conjure a coffee out of thin air (how good would it be if you could though?) you can’t conjure a new love without taking some steps along the way to help the process. Sign up to a dating site, chat to that friend you always felt a little spark for, be open to the idea of meeting someone in an unexpected place.
i love you GIF by Shark Week
Be open to new experiences. Go to a restaurant you wouldn’t normally eat at, say hi to that cute woman who sits across from you on the subway who’s been sneaking looks at you, go see your favourite band or head to the park when it’s sunny. You never know when you’re going to meet that new person who makes you smile, so be open to it without looking for it at every instance.
  • If you want to know the signs that a love spell is working, check out this post I wrote about it.
  • If you haven’t cast a spell before, consider reading this post about the do’s and don’ts of love spells or this guide to casting a spell.
  • Don’t give up! While finding love can be a trying, anxiety-inducing time, it can also be so beautiful! How great is the feeling of finding someone that lights a little spark in your belly? Is there anything more exciting? An old housemate of mine was a love addict, he just loved the idea of love. He was constantly falling super hard for a woman, then falling super hard for the next one 3 weeks later. It didn’t really matter if that love was returned or not, he just loves the feeling of new love so much he was always chasing it. 
  • If you feel like this spell didn’t work the first time, try it again! Spells don’t always work right away, sometimes you need to cast them again and again until you see results. Don’t be dishearted, this happens to all of us all the time! The stronger your conviction that the spell is going to work is, the more likely it is to actually work. 
  • This spell works really well when timed with the moon phases. If you can, try waiting till the new moon to cast this spell. To learn more about working with moon phases and magick, check out this post Amythest wrote. 
  • YOU’RE AWESOME! Don’t ever let rejection or feelings of not being good enough get you down. I know that finding love can make you question everything about yourself but just remember that you are a badass witch and you’re powerful beyond measure. GO GET IT, WITCHES! 
powerful witch easy love spell
You are the universe and the universe is you. Harness your inner power to find the love you want.

Easy Love Spell Ingredients

  • A piece of blank paper.
  • A pen (red if you have it).
  • An envelope. If you don’t have one, use a 2nd sheet of paper and make your own.
  • Your favourite scent. This can be a perfume, an essential oil, a squeeze of the oil from a lemon zest, whatever you have that you love the smell of and invokes a good…
See also  Angel Number 7744 Meaning for Love, Twin Flame & More

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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