How To Manifest Using The Power Of Water

Manifestation and the amazing POWER of water! As you know, water is one of the most essential natural elements that exist on our planet.

We would literally not exist as humans without it and contemplating this fact can really put into perspective how magical and powerful water is.

Our planet and our bodies are made up of about 70% of water.

A human would survive only 3-4 days without drinking water and our food sources would eventually completely diminish.

Manifestation can be understood as the ability to intentionally direct energy through various methods and then experience this energy in the physical realm.

It is the curating of pure potential into forms and experiences.

Our biological existence has been manifested through the medium of water and so, it is fitting that we learn to more skillfully wield this element that is so integrally a part of us to intentionally manifest the intricate parts of our human experience.

In this article we shall explore just how to do this, starting by gaining a deeper understanding of the energetic nature of water, the importance of intentions and emotions in the process of manifesting and finally learning various powerful techniques using water to manifest whatever you desire.

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Water And The Law Of Attraction

The Energetic Nature Of Water 

The sacred energetic nature of water has been revered and utilized since ancient times.

We know this through a deeper understanding of concepts such as baptisms in holy water or specific natural bodies of water, ancient water temples and the reverence of so many water deities /spirits throughout various cultures and times.

Thanks to modern-day technology there have been some amazing scientific experiments carried out on water.

We have confirmed through science and experience that water is a conductor of energy.

One of the most relevant experiments on water was conducted by Japanese researcher Dr Masaru Emoto and recorded in his book the message from water.

He studied the effects of various emotional intentions on the structure of water.

The study proved how human vibrational energy, thoughts, words, ideas and music can affect the structure of water.

The results of his experiment were aesthetically and intellectually moving, the lab used technology to photograph the molecular structure of water and found that the water arranged itself in different crystalline structures dependant on the stimulus projected.

We can observe the effect of emotions on the water; harmonious emotions (such as love, appreciation) created more beautiful geometric patterns while the harsher emotion (such as hate, anger, fear) created a fragmented pattern.

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This was also tested with various written intentions, music and water from different sources.

This experiment also concluded that water has memory and holds its pattern until it is restructured.

This precious and powerful element is so incredibly diverse in its nature; having the ability to easily transition through different states both energetically and physically.

Law Of Attraction And Intentions

The law of attraction is based on the awareness that emotions and intentions are the key ingredients for manifestation.

Your emotions are the guidance system that helps you get clear on what you would like to manifest.

By setting intentions through visualization, affirmation and other techniques (link) you can manifest what you desire.

These intentions are further animated when you consider and imagine experiencing the emotions related to achieving your desire.

A manifestation hack is to cultivate your desired emotion as if you have already received the physical manifestation, you can actually receive your manifestation in energetic form as soon as your intention is set.

How To Use Water To Manifest Using The Law Of Attraction

Now that you have a better understanding of the energy magic of water, emotions and intentions you can consider working with this element as part of your manifestation practice.

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The following are some of the suggested ways you can do this.

As always, be sure to follow your inner guidance when integrating any new practice. 

Intentionally Charging Your Drinking Water

A most powerful and simple way of using water to manifest is by charging, structuring or coding your drinking water.

You can infuse your water with clear intent as well as other energetic elements.

You can do this by utilizing the following suggested steps to charge your drinking water for specific manifestations.

Step 1. Choose a special and practical container to hold your drinking water.

It would be best to use a container that is a natural material such as glass, metal or ceramic.

Step 2. Choose a pure source of drinking water.

It is ideal to use spring water or good quality tap water; if you have any…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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