The Empaths Survival Guide To Energy Vampires

Empaths vs. energy vampires. Don’t worry! We’re not talking about Twilight today!

We’re actually talking about a type of person which, as empaths, in particular, can greatly affect our lives, health, and well-being; the energy vampire.

While you may not have heard the term before, almost all of us have had a run-in with an energy vampire or two in our lives.

It’s estimated that 20% of the population exhibits the traits of an energy vampire – that’s one in five people!

If we say on average each energy vampire can impact five people, you’ve suddenly got 60 million people whose day-to-day lives are impacted by an energy vampire.

I say enough’s enough!

Let’s fight back against the energy vampires in our lives by learning about ourselves as empaths, and how to spot and repel energy vampires.

So, put your stakes and cloves of garlic down, because this foe needs a completely different approach!

What is an Empath, and Why are We at an Increased Risk?

An empath is an individual with increased sensitivity to the world and those around them.

They feel others feelings as though they were their own and tend to understand people not just on a personal level, but on an emotional level.

Because they are so attuned to their surroundings empaths can show increased sensitivity to stimuli such as light and sound.

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Empaths tend to have a strong honor-code and in day-to-day life usually, fight against injustices.

This is because seeing others suffer directly impacts empaths and makes them suffer too.

Empaths are a brilliant and important part of society.

As an empath myself, I wouldn’t change a thing about how I see the world, as I truly feel that by being emotionally connected to those around me I can do the most good.

However, there definitely is a clear downside to being an empath; you’re seen as easy prey for bullies, narcissists, and energy vampires.

Empaths are magnets for energy vampires because of their strong emotional output, warmth, and overall positive energy, which an energy vampire will choose to play with and distort.

This can leave an empath feeling inadequate, guilty, or lesser than their peers.

While energy vampires thrive off this manipulation, the spirit of the empath can be crushed and healing can take many months or even years.

What is an Energy Vampire?

Anyone can be an energy vampire, from your partner/spouse to your friends, family, and colleagues.

Sometimes people only show one aspect of an energy vampire, and others might not even realize their behaviors.

Some, however, are energy vampires through and through and thrive and even excel in their careers or personal life through their actions.

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As with all aspects of life, there are givers and takers.

The same can be said for energy.

Some people; such as empaths are happy to give, and while we all can be takers from time-to-time, energy vampires tend to thrive and sustain themselves by taking the emotional energy from others.

Energy vampires are those who constantly emit negative energy.

Also called a ‘Debbie Downer’, ‘Eeyore’, ‘Negative Nancy’, ‘Party Pooper’, ‘Cumudgen’, ‘Grouch’, and more, energy vampires drain the positive energy from others.

For example, we all know that friend who’s hung up on an issue, commonly this can be to do with a breakup.

You’ve talked them through their problems and offered them support time and time again, and yet each time you meet them they bring it up, or all interactions seem to end with this topic.

Each time you coach them through their troubles you’ll likely notice they feel better, while you feel emotionally and mentally drained.

This is classic energy vampire behavior.

Energy Vampires can Affect your Health!

The effects of energy vampires aren’t limited to your mood or self-esteem, they can actually affect you mentally and physically too.

Being repeatedly shamed, insulted or made to feel lesser is tantamount to emotional abuse.

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This can cripple your self-esteem and leave to truly believing something is wrong with you, which can lead to mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.

If you would like to know more about anxiety as an empath then check out this article: Dealing With Anxiety As An Empath

The stress of constantly being around an energy vampire is also not something to be ignored.

High levels of stress can lead to cortisol (the stress hormone) flowing throughout your body, contributing to inflammation on a cellular level.

This inflammation can increase your risk of substance abuse and poor diet as a way of self-medicating.

Because empaths have such a positive view on the world and of others, oftentimes it isn’t until they become ill that they realize they’re being affected by an energy vampire.

How to Spot an Energy Vampire – 7 Key Signs


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