Feng Shui Crystals: Transform the Energy in Your Home

INSIDE: Feng shui crystals transmute the energy in a space and can act as powerful cures for bad feng shui. They stimulate the flow of good chi, helping to create a positive environment, one where we feel joyous and safe. Let’s learn about the best crystals to use and how to use them…


According to Research Gate, when it comes to building homes, there’s a match between ancient feng shui principles and modern architecture principles. As a matter of fact, being mindful of all the little details when building, furnishing, and decorating a home can change how energized or depleted we feel when we are there.

Feng shui crystals are powerful tools for helping us elevate the energy in our homes. Get ready, as we are about to discover the world of gemstones, their ability to change the frequency in a space, and how you can use them to “feng shui” your sanctuary.

12 Crystals for Feng Shui

Crystals have a positive impact on our lives and can be powerful tools for transforming energy. Here are some feng shui stones you can use to create and cultivate positive chi in your home…

Clear Quartz

Since it’s one of only a few crystals that can help charge and amplify all other gemstones, Clear Quartz can be beneficial for all nine areas of your Bagua Map. Because of its calming energy, it can help balance fire- or water-predominant spaces, bringing more tranquility and peace into your home.

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It helps eliminate residue negative chi, creating more space for positivity to flow through your living space. This is a healing crystal that can serve as a perfect remedy for bad chi or areas of the Bagua map you can’t find a cure for.

This multi-faceted gemstone matches well with Water and Metal feng shui elements, helping balance emotions and rational mind, making the space more serene.

Because it is so gentle, and healing, Clear Quartz can be a perfect choice for the Children & Creativity sector, and the sector of Helpful People, as it can restore balance, help create positive alliances, and protect children’s purity.


Amethyst Geode

Amethyst, a highly spiritual stone that purifies a space of negative vibrations, can be a perfect choice for those who wish to elevate the energy of their space. Its energy helps heal both the conscious and the subconscious, removes blockages that keep us stuck, and prevents energy attacks.

Amethyst can be an energetic anchor for your home, as it absorbs heavy vibrations, stress, and worries, creating a serene, pleasant atmosphere. It matches well with the wood element, making for a more tranquil environment. 

If possible, opt for Amethyst clusters or Amethyst cathedrals, and place them in the center of your special private corner. Amethyst absorbs energy, and the bigger it is, the more potent its ability to absorb malefic energy.

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Among feng shui crystals, Amethyst Geodes can be a great choice for the bedroom, lounge area, and any corner that you use for self-care, relaxation, and meditation, as it ensures quality sleep, helps us get in touch with the spiritual realm, and calms us after a long day.

Green Jade

If you’re trying to manifest more abundance and prosperity into your home, look no further. Green Jade is a perfect stone for attracting the blessings of the Universe.

A powerful good luck charm, this crystal can change your fortune, especially when combined with other wealth and abundance feng shui symbols, such as Chinese coins or a bamboo plant.

It also stabilizes the energy in a home, and because it is so soothing, its vibration calms the air, making us feel blissful and serene. It is a great remedy for those areas that lack the wood element, as it naturally attracts prosperity and stimulates growth. 

Green Jade can help you make the most of your Wealth & Abundance corner, and the Family & Ancestors area of the Bagua map. Keep it near plants or on a wooden surface to help you manifest money and financial stability.

Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz

Incredibly grounding, Smoky Quartz can help you feel truly safe and rooted in your home. It resonates with the Wood and Earth elements and amplifies a sense of belonging, helping us feel more grounded and stable at home.

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It works to cleanse the space from negative vibrations, while also amplifying the power of other crystals. It is an incredibly potent stress reliever that will serve as an energetic detox, helping you relax after a long day.

Ideal for the area around the entrance of your home, Smoky Quartz will serve as a powerful protector against negativity that tries to enter your home. It can also be a powerful protector for children, which makes it a perfect crystal for kid’s rooms.


Citrine is a perfect choice if you wish to bring more joy, energy, motivation, creativity, and vitality into your private space. It resonates well with the Fire element and will lift up the energy in your home and motivate you to make necessary changes in your life.

As one of the feng shui crystals that has a vivifying effect, inviting in more laughter and…

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