Full Moon Meditation with Rose Quartz

Group meditation sessions provide such wonderful access to supporting clients in their meditation practice, especially those who are new to it. In many Western societies and healing practices, the dynamics and support of the community created in a group setting are significantly undervalued. In Shamanic practices, healing is more often than not a community effort instead of a one-on-one healing practice. I have found immense value in supporting my clients both on an individual and a community basis. One of these group practices is our monthly Full Moon group meditation sessions.

For the purpose of the upcoming Full Moon meditation, I have chosen Rose Quartz due to its beautiful healing energy through unconditional love. You can use any other crystal that would be appropriate to support the intention of your Full Moon Meditation.

What I would like to provide in this article is an outline and script for a guided group Full Moon meditation, supported by the use of Rose Quartz crystals. It can be used as is or adapted for your specific needs.

Preparing For Your Full Moon Meditation:

  • The evening prior to the Full Moon meditation: Cleanse and clear your Rose Quartz crystals and charge them overnight in the pre-full moonlight. I make use of Rose Quartz tumble stone, ensuring that there would be one crystal for each participant in the group meditation.
  • On the day of the Full Moon meditation: Programme the Rose Quartz crystals in accordance with the intention of the upcoming Full Moon meditation, taking note that a Full Moon is a good time to…
    • Break free from anything that is preventing your light from shining brightly and powerfully.
    • Declutter and lighten your load to elevate your consciousness.
    • Heal childhood traumas and repeating dysfunctional patterns from the past.
    • Find a balance between logic and emotions – between your mind and your heart.
    • Continue your focus on your growth.
  • Cleanse the space where the group meditation will take place and invoke any of the Reiki symbols that you are guided to do, creating a sacred and healed space. This can be further supported with burning incense, lighting candles, and playing background music appropriate to the intended meditation.
  • Just prior to starting the Group Full Moon meditation, allow each participant to choose a Rose Quartz crystal. Ask them to hold or rest their crystal in their left hand during the course of the meditation – left signifying receiving the healing energy from the Rose Quartz crystal infused with Full Moon energy.
Full Moon Meditation with Rose Quartz

Full Moon Meditation Script

With your Rose Quartz crystal in your left hand, and closing your eyes, take a few slow and deep breaths in… and out…

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Take a moment to think about what aspects of your life you would like to heal. What would you like to break free from? What it is that you would like to manifest in your life – your personal growth, your career, your family?

Become aware, yet comfortable with the space around you and your…

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in reikirays.com. All the rights of content are owned by reikirays.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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