12 Tips to Empower You to Take Control of Your Health and Heal Your Body — Follow Your Own Rhythm

4.     Question everything you know about HEALTH

Your health is not a matter of luck.  In a large part, it is determined by the lifestyle that you live, the food you eat, and the thoughts you think.  Research shows that the cause of most cancer is only about 10% genetic, and about 90% environmental and lifestyle based.  This shows that your health is something that you have A LOT of control over.  However, when we do not take care of our bodies and our health, our body goes out of balance and gets dis-eased.  Energy is no longer flowing properly and we get sick. We HAVE to make the connection between what we eat, what we think, and the lifestyle we live AND the ailments, problems, sicknesses, and diseases we develop.  There is a direct correlation.

5.     Get to the root of your ailment

What most doctors do nowadays is prescribe drugs to treat symptoms, instead of get to the root cause of why the symptoms are there in the first place.  If we focused on getting to the root cause and healing the body at its most fundamental level, then the symptoms would naturally go away.  This is why I am a strong advocate for HOLISTIC medicine…because it focuses on healing the WHOLE person, rather than just treating physical symptoms.

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6.     Eat an organic, mostly whole food and plant-based diet!

Wow.  How many success stories have I seen and read about where people cured their cancer or disease by changing their diet.  And how much research have I done that confirms that eating a whole food, mainly plant-based diet, prevents disease and makes your body happy and healthy. I can also testify to this as I personally have been eating healthy and shopping mindfully for several years now. 

The key with eating this way is to focus mainly on whole and living foods, keep it organic, and make sure it’s highly nutritious with lots of vegetables, fruit, nuts, spices, and high quality fish, and avoid added sugars, fake ingredients, highly processed foods, refined foods, and genetically modified foods. Personally, I also cut out grains, gluten, dairy, and most meats, and so far this way of eating seems to really be meeting my body’s needs.

There is plenty of research showing that the Standard American Diet, which is high in sugar, bad fats, unhealthy oils, meat, cheese, processed, refined, and junk foods, which by the way are loaded with genetically modified ingredients, preservatives, artificial flavors, and chemicals, leads to obesity, heart disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and other common health problems.

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This isn’t common knowledge as the food, healthcare, and pharmaceutical industries make sure to keep it hush hush… after all, using cheap ingredients yield big profits, and sadly, there’s a lot of money to be made from people being sick.  And innocent people who don’t know any better are the ones paying for it. 

I urge you to take matters into your own hands and stop believing everything you’re told by so called experts.  Veer away from mainstream knowledge, and find your own truth.

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in followyourownrhythm.com. All the rights of content are owned by followyourownrhythm.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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