Throat Chakra Symbol Meaning

The throat chakra is the 5th chakra in the body, which allows you to speak your highest truth.

The fifth chakra is the center of communication, expression, and purification.

The Vishuddha chakra is recognized as the purification center, because it is a place where amrita (nectar of immortality) from Bindu chakra drips down the chitrini nadi, and gets separated into a pure form and poison.

The element associated with the heart chakra is ether (space), and the color of the throat chakra is light blue or turquoise. 

Vishuddha chakra symbol resembles a mandala lotus, and it consists of the following elements:

  • 16 petals with vrittis.
  • Inverted triangle with a circle inside of it.
  • Seed mantra HAM हं in the center.

Let’s have a look at each of these elements individually and find out what is their meaning. 

Throat Chakra Symbol: 16-Petalled Lotus Meaning

Sixteen petals of the throat chakra lotus are very often decorated with 16 letters of the Sanskrit alphabet (vrittis): 

  1. am – Compassion
  2. aam – Forgiveness
  3. im – Poison
  4. eem – Straightforwardness
  5. um – Self-control
  6. oom – Dynastical pride
  7. rim – Sacrifice
  8. reem – Pride
  9. Irim – Nectar
  10. Ireem – Calmness
  11. em – Happiness
  12. aim – Vociferation
  13. om – Vanity
  14. aum – Noble nature
  15. aam – Truthfulness
  16. ahm – Knowledge
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The energy travels in 16 directions in and out of the petals, carried by the sound of each syllable. Symbolically, the syllables reflect the essential energy which comes from these points.

Throat chakra vowels are also said to be the language of spirit as the throat chakra is the first entry point to the pure consciousness.

Throat Chakra Symbols

Throat Chakra Symbol: Inverted Triangle with Circle

The invereted triangle is a symbol of spiritual growth. The downward part is synonymous with an entry point into spiritual realm, while the upward side reflects the flourishing awareness that leads to the enlightenment.

The symbol of circle represents the element of ether.

Throat Chakra Symbol Deity: Sadashiva

The deity identified with Throat Chakra is Sadashiva, who is blue skin Supreme Being with 5 heads and 10 arms.

The five faces of Sadashiva represent five elements: 

  • Earth
  • Water
  • Fire
  • Air
  • Ether

All the elements of the lower chakras – earth, water, fire, and air – are purified in the throat chakra and dissolve into the ether (akasha in Sanskrit).

The Yin and Yang harmony and everlasting pureness are reflected in the throat chakra deity.

Sadashiva - Throat Chakra Symbol Deity


Are you interested in healing all of your chakras?
Are any of your chakras blocked?

We have created comprehensive healing guides for each chakra in your body!

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Click on one one of the links below and learn how to unblock all of your chakras:

1. Root Chakra Healing Guide | Muladhara.
2. Sacral Chakra Healing Guide | Svadhisthana.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra Healing Guide | Manipura.
4. Heart Chakra Healing Guide | Anahata.
5. Throat Chakra Healing Guide | Vishuddha.
6. Third Eye Chakra Healing Guide | Ajna.
7. Crown Chakra Healing Guide | Sahasrara.


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