How To Charge Your Crystals With Moonlight (Complete Guide)

Crystals are fantastic spiritual tools that can have real positive effects on our lives.

There are loads of different crystals out there, and each has a range of healing abilities for the mind, body, and soul.

Crystals heal us because of the energy that they omit, and they all have the ability to absorb and hold energy. 

This means that it is really important to charge our crystals, which refers to using the energy in the universe to enhance the powers of our crystals.

By charging our crystals, we can remove any negative energy that it is holding onto and fill them with powerful energy from the universe. 

In this article, I will look at how to charge your crystals with moonlight.

Moonlight is one of the best ways of charging crystals, as the moon is an intensely spiritual celestial object that has huge powers over the earth. 

How To Charge Crystals In Moonlight?

How to charging crystals in moonlight

Let’s go through all the steps for charging crystals in the moonlight, so your crystals are ready to use!

Step 1: Collect Your Crystals

Before the night falls, collect the crystals that you are needing to charge.

If you have a lot of crystals, you may want to space out the charging process over a few nights in order for all crystals to have a decent chance of charging. 

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Before taking them outside, you may wish to run them underwater.

This is a good way to start the process as it gives the stones a little cleanse and washes off any dust and debris that may be on them. 

Step 2: Prepare Your Surroundings

Prepping is super important when it comes to charging crystals, especially if we are charging them outside! 

Have a think about where the best place may be in order to charge your crystals in moonlight.

It is preferable to charge them outside, on grass or the ground.

This allows the crystals to properly soak up the energies of the natural world.

Do you have a garden or yard where you can safely charge your stones?

If you don’t, you can also charge the crystals on your windowsill!

As long as they are somewhere where the energy of the moon can find them, it doesn’t matter too much. 

You may wish to cleanse the surroundings before charging your crystals.

Sage and palo santo are great spiritual tools that allow you to purify the space around you, making the area perfect for crystal charging. 

Step 3: Arrange Your Crystals 

arranging your crystals in moonlight

When you have prepared your surroundings, it is time to arrange your crystals in order for them to be charged. 

Now, it is super important to be mindful of how you are arranging your crystals.

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Some people like to use a crystal grid when charging their stones, setting the crystals out in a certain pattern. 

You may also wish to consider the cardinal directions and how they are linked to the elements.

The north is linked to the element of earth, the east is linked to air, the south is linked to fire, and the west is linked to water. 

Crystals often have specific associations with the elements, for example, fluorite is linked with the element of air.

You can harness the elements by placing the crystals in the correct positions. 

Step 4: Set Intentions

When charging crystals in moonlight, you may wish to set intentions.

This links your energy with the crystals, allowing a flow of energies and ideas throughout the universe. The more you put into your crystals, the more charge they will receive from the moon. 

What would you like the crystals to help you with over the next few months?

Are there things you are struggling with? 

You may have a specific thing in mind, such as an upcoming job interview.

However, you may simply wish to thank the crystals for their support and ask for more guidance. 

When setting your intentions, hold a crystal in your hand and close your eyes.

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Inhale and exhale deeply, using your breath to center yourself.

Then, visualize the energy that is flowing between you and the crystal.

You may wish to picture this energy as a beam of light. 

When you are centered and linked to the crystal, repeat your intentions out loud or in your head.

Repeat your intentions until you feel ready to stop. 

Step 5: Leave Your Crystals Out Overnight 

After arranging your crystals and setting any intentions you wish to make, leave the crystals out in the moonlight all night.

You may wish to collect your crystals at dawn, in order to protect them from the sunlight.

This is because some crystals can get damaged in the sunlight.

However, you can leave your crystals to get some charging from the sun, too!

This all depends on the crystals you have. 

Take your crystals back to their spot in your home.

You may wish to spend a moment or two meditating with the charged crystals, feeling their energy.

Charging Crystals On A Full Moon

Charging crystals on a full moon

You can charge your…

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