How to Know if You’re a Starseed: 13 Signs You Might Be One!

INSIDE: Starseeds are interdimensional beings embodying humans on earth to help guide humanity to divine awakening and enlightenment. There are many starseeds among us, and you might be one! These 13 signs can show how to know if you’re a starseed.


Over thousands of years, maybe even millions depending on your calendar “metric,” humans have undergone physical and mental transformations known as evolution.

Evolutionary psychology explains that certain humans had neural circuits that gave them instincts to survive and thrive as the earth underwent changes. The neural mechanisms passed through generations, and the messages sent them psychological abilities to understand emotions and develop relationships.

One of the principles of evolutionary psychology suggests that much of our psychology is subconscious within this neural system. That leaves a lot of room to wonder what is transmitted through those circuits.

And to raise further questions to science, who can know if there is more of a spiritual connection to subconscious psychology. If we approach our inherent natures and thought abilities from a spirit focus, we open our minds to the idea of starseeds. 

Starseeds exist as humans, but they carry with them information from other dimensions, histories, and galaxies. So, how do you know if you’re a starseed?

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Let’s start by getting clear on what a starseed is…

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What is a Starseed? 

For some, it might be hard to grasp right away what a starseed is, but for starseeds, you may start to feel understood, to feel seen.

A starseed has an etheric cord in another realm, whether spatial, chronological, or both. That means that in the great expansive universe and beyond in other galaxy planes, you have roots and an existence on a distant star or planet.

We know that astronomers in their earthly knowledge and capacity have not been able to traverse all of the galaxies, but they recognize their existence. So who’s to say other soul forms don’t live out among the stars?

Starseeds who come to recognize their history and origins beyond have often originated from the star systems of Pleiades, Sirus, Orion, and Andromeda.

However, many starseeds may never receive divine sign of their histories, so there are some basic physical-mental and spiritual traits that can signal how to know if you’re a starseed. 

Physical & Mental Traits of a Starseed

To say there are physical traits of a starseed is actually a complete falsehood.

A starseed comes to Earth in human form, so regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, height, abilities, etc., the starseed is a soul, not a physical body. The body is just a vessel for the spiritual being to charter its course.

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Starseeds can have an extroverted or introverted personality, though they tend to present more introverted tendencies (we’ll go into more detail about that later).

Because starseeds come from different galaxies, planets, or stars, they have endless curiosity. They have high intelligence, but not necessarily in the bookish knowledge of the earth of humans.

A starseed thrives to learn about the human form from the outside to deep realms within and beyond.

One worldly experience that signals how to know if you’re a starseed is the Dark Night of the Soul. This has many manifestations in different belief systems and sciences, from Roman Catholicism to psychology.

Essentially, the Dark Night of the Soul refers to a period in your life when you feel in chaos, off-course, and in the dark. You might struggle with depression as you try to understand the “why” of your life. When you emerge, you find yourself awakened to your spiritual calling. 

What is a Starseed

Spiritual Traits of a Starseed

Now, we come to the general spiritual traits for how to know if you’re a starseed. We’ll dig even deeper in the next section, but for now, it’s important to understand that a starseed is an advanced soul being with access to other planetary and divine realms.

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These beings often have access to the Akashic record – the energetic hard drive that holds emotional, relational, and historical data from every dimension.

That means that the starseed has knowledge and history from other places and time continuums. It may not be directly accessed until after the Dark Night of the Soul, but the information is embedded in the starseed.

With all this spiritual knowledge ready to expand into the earth, a starseed often incarnates as a human in order to serve as a spirit guide to help the Earth transform and attain another dimension beyond the 3D plane. 

Starseeds aim to work as humanitarians to heal and teach people. They are energetic conduits and links between divine realms and the earth chakra that grounds into the earth’s gravity so that divine substance can transport between galaxies.

How to Know if You’re a Starseed: 13 Signs 

While these physical, mental, and spiritual descriptions provide a general understanding of what a starseed is, you’re probably still wondering, “how do you…

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