How to Cleanse Crystals (+ 6 Signs Your Crystals NEED A Refresh!)

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Whether you are using a new crystal for the first time, or just want to refresh your crystal’s energy after using it, cleansing your crystal’s energy on a regular basis is important.

Cleansing your crystals removes stagnant energy, old programming, and any other unwanted energies they’ve picked up over time.

It’s especially important if you are using your crystal to remove negative vibrations because healing crystals absorb that energy from your space.

Cleansing them refreshes them and gets them ready to absorb more energy.

It also restores your crystals to their original energetic properties and frequencies.

Don’t forget to cleanse and charge your crystal jewelry as well!

how to cleanse crystals and 6 signs your crystals need a refresh

How to cleanse crystals to remove old energy and vibrations:

  • Put it out under the full moon
  • Run it underwater
  • Use a bowl of saltwater or ocean water
  • Use a sage wand, incense, or palo santo wand and pass it through the smoke
  • Place in a bowl of sea salt
  • Use a bowl of rice
  • Place in the sun
  • Sound bath
  • Bury in the dirt
  • Use selenite
  • Smudge spray
  • Visualization or meditation

Now let’s go through each of the cleansing methods and how to do them!

crystals, candle, resin, and palo santo stick

12 Ways to Cleanse Crystals:

Using the full moon:

Setting your crystals outside, under the moonlight is probably the best method (and the most well-known way) of cleansing your crystals.

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Cleansing your crystals under the full moon does double-duty.

The moon cleans the crystal’s energy and returns it to its original state, but it also charges your crystals with fresh energy!

To cleanse your crystals under the moon, you just need to set them in the direct moonlight.

You can leave them out overnight or for just an hour or two, it’s up to you!

It’s best done under the full moon, where the moonlight is the strongest.

Make sure each crystal will be under the moonlight. Don’t put your crystals out in piles.

You can use your windowsill if you need to or want to, you don’t have to put them outside.

If you want to use the full moon, new moon, or a lunar eclipse to set specific intentions for your crystals, feel free to do so!

crystals and resin

Cleansing your crystals with water:

IMPORTANT: Only use water to cleanse your crystal if it is water safe. Some crystals will dissolve in water or even rust, so do this at your own risk!

If you have a lot of soft stones, porous crystals, crystals made of salt or mineral deposits, or fragile crystals, avoid the water methods and use one of the other cleansing methods.

To cleanse your crystal with water, place it under a running faucet for a few seconds.

Imagine all of the negative energy or programming going down the drain.

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As the tap water is running, imagine new, fresh energy entering your crystal.

You can also imagine the water is full of golden light, showering your crystals with high vibes.

sage stick on smudge dish and feather

How to use saltwater to cleanse your crystals:

You can also cleanse your crystals with saltwater.

Put the saltwater in a bowl and dip your crystals into it.

Set the intentions that the water is absorbing the negative energies and refreshing your crystal.

Use a soft brush or cloth to clean the surface.

Dry your crystal with a soft cloth.

Do not leave the saltwater on the crystal for more than a few moments.

Make sure your crystals are WATER SAFE!

If they aren’t, do not use this method because they could dissolve, tarnish, or rust.

There are plenty of other ways to cleanse your crystals, so don’t worry if you have a lot of salt crystals, metal crystals, fragile, or soft stones in your collection.

crystals and palo santo for cleansing crystals

How to use smoke to cleanse your crystals:

Sage and smudge sticks have a long history of energy cleansing.

If you already use sage to smudge your home, you can also use it to cleanse your crystals.

You can pass each crystal through the smoke, or blow the smoke onto your crystal.

You don’t have to use the smoke for a long time, a few seconds per crystal will work!

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The benefit of using a sage wand or other smudge stuck is that you can cleanse your crystals whenever you want.

woman passing crystal through palo santo smoke

How to cleanse crystals with salt:

To cleanse crystals with salt, you can use a bowl or bag of salt.

Sea salt is best, but table salt will work in a pinch!

Place your crystals on top of the salt or within the salt.

Set the intention that the salt will absorb the negative energies or frequencies and return your crystals to their natural vibration.

Leave them in the salt for a few hours or up to 3 days.

Once the time has passed, be sure to throw the salt away so that the negative energy is removed from your space. (Related Post: 7 ways to cleanse negative energy with sea salt)

Place your crystal in a bowl or bag of rice.

Rice can also absorb negative energies and vibrations.

Place your crystals on top of the rice or in a bag of rice.

Similar to the sea salt method, leave them for up…

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