25 Crystals for Positivity That Will Make Your Day Better

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The best crystals for positivity can help you boost good vibes, melt away negativity, and create a positive, protective bubble around yourself and your energy.

Each crystal has its own inherent metaphysical properties and frequencies, which can help you align the frequencies in your body, home, and life with those same frequencies.

Crystals for positivity tend to fall into one of the following categories:

Crystals that are bright and colorful, usually yellow, red, or orange.

These crystals are naturally uplifting and tend to harness fire energy to help you create more passion and motivation throughout your life.

Crystals that are pastel colors, such as pink, purple, light blue, or pale green.

They are usually associated with the spirit realm, Universal love, or higher consciousness.

They help you tap into inspiration and Ultimate Truth.

Crystals that are black or brown are associated with grounding and stability.

They clear negative energy and can help you remove bad vibes or create a protective bubble around yourself.

They can help you transmute bad situations into good ones, and maintain a positive outlook even when surrounded by negativity.

25 crystals for positivity that will make your day better

These are the 25 best crystals for positivity and happiness:

Clear Quartz:

clear quartz can be programmed for positivity

Clear quartz is the chameleon of crystals.

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It is a master healer stone that can be programmed to hold ANY intention.

Clear quartz also amplifies the frequencies of other crystals.

It can remove negativity, create a better energy flow, help you have mental clarity as well as clarity of judgment, and balance all of the chakras.

Use clear quartz when you want to see the positives in a situation or boost good vibes throughout your life and home.


selenite palm stone

Selenite helps melt away and remove negative influences and replace them with positive ones.

Selenite is associated with the spiritual realm, helping you receive guidance and personal transformation.

It is a stone that cleanses and restores energy, helping you move past unwanted energetic patterns.

Use selenite when you are having trouble keeping your center and would like to call in extra help from the Universe.


group of amethyst crystals

Amethyst is a stone of peace, tranquility, and balance.

It can help you balance negative emotions or even move gently through times of grief or trauma.

It can enhance spiritual connection and intuition.

Amethyst can help you move past what is keeping you stuck.

Amethyst balances the third eye chakra and crown chakra, and can be used during meditation.

Use amethyst when you want to feel inspired, or when you’re feeling stressed and need inner peace.

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citrine tumbles

Citrine is a powerhouse crystal for positivity and happiness.

It is bright, sunny, and full of joy.

Citrine is a stone that harnesses the power of the sun to bring light and fire energy to all areas of your life.

Citrine is called the “merchant’s stone” because it also brings success, prosperity, and abundance!

Citrine balances the solar plexus chakra, boosting willpower and stamina.

Use citrine when you need the energy and drive to pursue your goals and create your dream life.

Related: feng shui crystals for wealth and abundance!

This post also has more info about citrine: how to use citrine to attract money


ametrine crystal

Ametrine combines the healing powers of amethyst with the sunshine and happiness of citrine.

It can help you transform negative feelings into positive vibrations.

It can help you have the motivation and desire to move into a new phase of your life.

Ametrine enhances creativity and helps you overcome resistance and procrastination.

Use ametrine when you want to feel calm and powerful, and in alignment with your dreams.

Rose Quartz:

polished rose quartz for positivity, joy, and good vibes

Rose quartz is a stone of unconditional love and good vibes.

It is a wonderful crystal that enhances feelings of worthiness, self-love, and peace.

It can help eliminate stress, insecurity, and resentment.

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Rose quartz balances the heart chakra, helping you feel happiness and love for everyone in your life.

Use rose quartz to calm your mind and release your worries and fears.

Related: The best crystals for self-love and confidence and how to use rose quartz for love

Lapis Lazuli:

polished lapis lazuli (lazurite)

Lapis lazuli is a stone of truth, enlightenment, and spirituality.

It can help you with your spiritual work by connecting you to your spirit guides and intuition.

Lapis lazuli balances the throat and third eye chakras, helping you feel empowered to speak your truth.

Use lapis lazuli when you want to release emotional baggage and see situations through the eyes of Source energy.

Related: Using crystals for focus and motivation.

Tiger’s Eye:

tiger's eye for personal power and positive energy

Tiger’s eye is a powerful stone that was used throughout ancient times for personal power and protection.

It was worn as an amulet…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in peacelovefengshui.com. All the rights of content are owned by peacelovefengshui.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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