How To Communicate the Soul-Truths “Revealed” during Reiki Sessions

As a Reiki therapist, I often find that clients feel somewhat offended by the truth… Truths that may be “revealed” during a Reiki healing session and which I am privileged and charged with as a healer to share with them. “Communication” that I receive and need to listen to and honor.

What many people do not seem to understand is that our energy and our soul ALWAYS speak the truth. It is not subject to the decorum of social, religious, and cultural conditioning of what is acceptable and what is not. Soul truth is just that… SOUL TRUTH. We may choose not to listen to our soul truth and even suppress it but there is no hiding it. As a healer and Reiki practitioner, I am an open channel to receive these truths.

During a healing session we explicitly, through our intention, ask for spiritual guidance. We open ourselves to the inner landscape to the wealth of support and guidance that spirit can provide. Once received, the spirit will never force us to act on what we receive and it is a personal choice what to do with it. As healers, we often receive on our client’s behalf. But then, what to make of it? For me, this has always been a tricky question. More often than not, what I receive is something that may cause my client some discomfort and uneasiness, or even distress. By relaying such a truth, I may upset, antagonize, or even alienate a client… and that is not good for business, so to speak.

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It is, however, important to take a step back and clarify in our own minds what our role as a Reiki healer and practitioner is. For me, my primary role is to hold space, and in holding this space I need to honor myself, honor my client and honor anything and everything that comes into that space, and which relates to the client’s healing process and journey. Receiving any communicated truth, no matter how uncomfortable, is part of the space I am holding and therefore it needs to be honored.

How To Communicate the Soul-Truths “Revealed” during Reiki Sessions

I have gone through periods of self-doubt as to sharing their truths with my clients as I could sense and see their discomfort. However, my mentor told me that I need to honor what I receive and that I receive these truths for a reason… I am the channel through which a client’s higher self and spirit can communicate. It is my duty to honor any and all communication and relate that to the client, no matter how uncomfortable the client may feel.

Here are a few additional aspects to this that I, as a healer, feel need to be considered when communicating a client’s higher self-truths with them:

  • Always speak from a place of love, compassion, and without judgment, honoring the space that you are holding and which allow and support your client to process.
  • Try to translate the soul truth into prompts that will get the client to the core of the message and the truth by themselves. Self-realization is one of the most powerful ways of supporting a client in their journey and transformation. The insight and awareness they gain in…
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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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