How To Find, Connect & Communicate With Your Spirit Guides

We all have spirit guides, no matter who we are or what philosophies we subscribe to.

There are guardian angels, archangels, ascended masters, and spirit animals that all look out for us during our lives.

We can turn to these spirit guides when we are in need of guidance and hope. 

In this article, I will tell you how to find your spirit guide and give helpful tips on how to connect with your spirit guide. 

This may feel a bit overwhelming if you are new to spirituality, but it is important to take it slow, and don’t overthink things!

Some people connect with their spirit guide really quickly, whilst others it might take longer. They are there in the universe, and always will be. 

How To Find Your Spirit Guide

Okay, so first things first, how to find your spirit guide?

You may have seen my recent article that explains the different types of spirit guides, and know that there are loads in the universe that we can connect with!

We all have certain spirit guides that are there specifically for us.

This means that we are able to find them and get to know them and what they can do to assist us. 

How To Find Your Guardian Angel 

how to find your spirit guide

Our guardian angels are really important spirit guides that are there specifically for us.

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We will often have a few guardian angels that work with us and our spiritual growth, and it is really useful to find them and get to know them!

I have friends that talk to their guardian angels most days, and even know their names or subscribe names to them.

This can be helpful in order to create a bond. 

So, how do we find our guardian angels?

Because angels exist on different vibrational frequencies, identifying them can be hard. 

However, we can learn about them by paying attention in the physical world to signs and symbols.

When you are going out and about in the world, are there specific items or numbers that seemly crop up over and over again? 

Our guardian angels will often place objects for us to see, such as feathers.

These objects can appear to stand out to us, as if our subconscious soul knows the importance of them.

When this happens, pause to reflect. Your angels may be nearby. 

In order to find a name for your guardian angels, take time to meditate alone and ask them to come to you.

Often, a name will come into your head and this will be a message from your angel. 

When wanting to connect with our guardian angels, knowing their names will help form a deep bond.

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If no name comes into your head, you may wish to give your guardian angel a name that you are deeply connected with. 

How To Find Your Animal Spirit Guide

Like guardian angels, we all have a specific animal spirit guide that is there for us throughout our lives, watching out for us.

I kind of feel that these are easier to find than our guardian angels as they exist in an embodied state in the material world.

However, this might just be my experience!

In order to find your animal spirit guide, pay attention to nature.

You may frequently notice an animal when you are out in the world and feel a deep connection with them.

Perhaps they always seem to watch you and fill you with calm vibes. 

Your spirit animal guide will often appear in your dreams, so note down any animals that appear when you are asleep. 

It is really important to listen to your gut when wanting to find your spirit guide (animal) because sometimes we feel inexplicably linked to a specific animal! 

How To Connect To Your Spirit Guide

how to connect with your spirit guide

Perhaps you know who your guardian angel is, or are wanting to connect with a specific archangel.

If you are new to spirituality, connecting with your spirit guide can be a bit difficult at first, but like everything, practice makes perfect!

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There is a range of different ways of connecting to your spirit guide, and some spirit guides may prefer other ways.

Try different things out, and see what works for you!


Meditation is a great way of connecting with your spirit guide.

In order to do this, find a quiet and safe space where you will not be disturbed.

You may wish to light some candles or incense. 

If you are wishing to connect to a specific archangel, look into the colors that they are linked with.

For example, Archangel Micheal is linked to the color blue.

This means it can be helpful to light a blue candle or have blue crystals around you when you are meditating. 

Then, clear your mind of day-to-day stressors, letting the thoughts flow through your mind.

Inhale and exhale deeply until you find a moment of calm. 

When you are ready, appeal to your spirit guides.

If you know their names, repeat them out loud or in your head. It can be helpful to think positive thoughts or repeat affirmations.

This spreads positive energy into the universe…

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