How To Make an Elixir & The Best Crystal Elixir Recipes

INSIDE: Ever wondered how to make an elixir? Discover all the different types, the steps for making a crystal elixir, and some recipes for specific intentions.


Modern medicine offers a variety of syrups and elixirs that are intended for therapeutic purposes in treating specific health conditions. However, the benefits of elixirs don’t stop with medicine as we know it today.

As a matter of fact, there are those that are not only beneficial and healthy but also homemade.

For instance, according to Healthline, researchers have found that aloe vera juice, which is a simple form of a natural elixir, helps reduce pain.

These are precisely the ones we are talking about today – potent, but natural elixirs made to improve our health and wellbeing.

If you want to learn how to make an elixir, let’s get to it…

What is an Elixir?

Elixirs are a type of energetic potions in a sense. They are nature-based cocktails for wellbeing. They might even be thought of as liquid cures, although we’re certainly not claiming that they cure anything.

Elixirs have a long history and are part of alternative and holistic medicine. They were created centuries back and were used for healing in various cultures. Some of them we even use today in a simple form, and they are known as teas.

The basic principle of an elixir is that it uses a natural resource that is good for our wellbeing. In other words, it is a liquid mixture of water, herbs, crystals, and aromas that have specific nourishing properties.

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They are based on a careful selection of ingredients, each of which has a purpose, and that is to heal and protect our mental and physical health.

They vary in complexity, compounds, and potency of goods used. They are taken orally and meant to make positive changes both in our aura and physical body.

Tumbled Stones

Types of Elixirs

There are many different types of these powerful potions, determined by the main ingredients used and the purpose. Depending on the ingredients and characteristics of main compounds, they can be taken orally, applied topically, or used to enrich beauty routines.

Here are some of the most common elixirs:

Crystal Elixirs

Crystal elixirs are made of fresh water and a chosen crystal (or crystals). They are used to heal and cleanse our bodies, and are created to amplify the natural healing properties of gemstones. They have a direct effect on the mind and body, as they are taken orally.

All crystals have a specific mineral structure and beneficial compounds, which allow such potions to balance and improve our resilience.

There are plenty of mixtures and purposes we can use these types of elixirs for. Their main benefit is that they help eliminate or cleanse our body from negative energy, while ‘’intaking’’ beneficial energy and ions. 

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Herbal Elixirs

Herbal elixirs, which are popularly known as teas, are made of either herbal extracts, fresh or dried plant leaves, or roots.

These can be safe medicinal herbs, like Chamomile, Hibiscus, Echinacea, or Lemon Balm, and they can be used either individually or as part of an herbal mixture.

Curative plant elixirs are infusions, usually made to heal or soothe the effects of certain conditions.

Aromatic Elixirs

Aromatic elixirs are remedies made with water and drops of essential oils to create a specific healing effect. They are usually inhaled or applied topically, and are only sometimes taken orally, when medically proven.

Aromatic elixirs are mixtures of highly dense drops of healing herbal extracts and water. However, most of them are made with some percentage of alcohol due to the relative solubility of certain compounds.

Fruit & Vegetable Elixirs

Fruit and vegetable elixirs are usually healing antioxidant elixirs that are used to rejuvenate and refresh us. They are made of freshly cut pieces of fruits and/or vegetables and fresh water.

They are usually left to rest for a few hours and are kept in certain conditions and temperature for water and fruit to release vitamins and minerals into the water.

Crystal Elixir Recipes

How to Make a Crystal Elixir?

Before we get into the steps for how to make an elixir, here’s what you need to know first…

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The first rule for creating an elixir of your choice is that none of the ingredients can be toxic or artificially processed by any means.

Before embarking on your potion-making journey, be fully aware of the properties of each and every ingredient as you don’t want to be risking your health or triggering an allergic reaction.

All crystals have healing properties, but some can have adverse effects when in contact with drinking water and taken orally.

For instance, Pyrite induced water can be toxic, so keep your shiny Fools Gold on a dry surface to get the most of it.

To be certain, check this guide for what crystals can’t be used in the water. It will also give you an insight into how to prepare your crystal for an elixir, which is step two of the elixir-making process.

Remember, if in doubt, always consult a trusted source.

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