7 Steps To Manifest Your Desires Using Gratitude

I want to ask you a question. Don’t be in a hurry to answer. Be honest with yourself. You ready?

Here goes.

How’s your manifesting going?

Good? Could be better? Not so great?

If you’re having trouble manifesting the things you desire in life, then this article is for you.

Let’s assume you have done everything every blog out there has told you to do.

You’ve held money to your nose, taken a deep breath to really smell it, so you can manifest more moolah.

You’ve gone to bed every night cradling a pillow and pretending it’s your desired lover, so you can finally stop being alone.

You’ve visualized yourself with a sexy beach body. Yet you can’t get motivated to eat well or go to the gym.

You’ve tried everything, yet nothing works!

Don’t throw in the towel just yet, amigo. There’s one thing I know for a fact will work.

What is it?

The AMAZING Power of Gratitude

Gratitude to Manifest Desires

If you haven’t yet discovered just how POWERFUL gratitude is, then I’m about to knock your socks off.

Let’s talk about the most grateful person I know on the planet.

A great friend of mine, named Alexa. No, not that Alexa.

Alexa’s one of the happiest people I know. Her energy is absolutely divine!

She’s so full of warmth and she has a knack for seeing the best in things, and in situations.

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No matter how bad you think something or someone is, Alexa will find one good thing about them and focus only on that.

You can’t hold her in a conversation which is full of complaining or tearing others down.

It’s one of the things I love about her.

On a whim, I asked her if she’d always been this way. She told me a story.

Alexa’s Story On Using Gratitude to Manifest Good In Her Life.

I wasn’t always like this. Believe it or not, once upon a time I used to be bitter. I was mad at the world, mad at life.

At the time, I felt I had good reason to be. You’d probably agree I did, too.

I used to have a friend named Pablo.  I thought I knew him well and could trust him. One day, he came to me with what seemed to be a really solid business deal.

He needed funds to make it work. I didn’t really have much, but I believed in his vision. So much so I took out all my savings and even took out a loan.

Long story short, he disappeared on me. Shortly after that, I lost my job. My house was about to be foreclosed. I had nothing.

For a long, long time, I stayed bitter. I’d go for interviews, but for some reason, no one would hire me. Or they’d almost hire me, but at the last minute, something would not work out.

One day, as I was crying, bawling my eyes out, wallowing in self-pity, something clicked. I was tired of complaining, tired of being tired.

So I sat on the floor of my friend’s basement and began to give thanks for everything I could think of.

I was thankful for the clothes on my back. For the generosity of my friend. For the fact that I was healthy. For the roof over my head, whether or not it was mine.

I found reasons to be thankful.

That night, as I took a walk, seeing things with new, thankful eyes, I ran into Drew, an old colleague who had left to start his own tech company.

We got to talking, and he offered me a job. That job led to so many other opportunities for me. Things were looking up!

Occasionally, my thoughts would turn to Pablo, and I’d feel a twinge in my heart. I’d want to hate him. I’d want to whine about the whole thing.

But I would gently give thanks for the whole thing. I chose gratitude. I chose to believe that good would and had come of it.

A couple of weeks after I’d begun my job, I found out from an old neighbor of his, that “Pablo” had been arrested. That explained why he suddenly disappeared.  

A few days later, one of Drew’s very wealthy clients contacted me, saying she appreciated my help with a project I’d worked on for her.

She had already paid the company what was due, and I’d gotten my commission. But guess what? She wrote me a cheque, just to say thanks.

That cheque was THRICE the amount of money I’d lost!

So you see, I’ve learned no matter what happens, no matter how bad things get, I will always, always stay grateful. Now I know the importance of using gratitude to manifest my desires.

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Gratitude: The Master Key

Gratitude: The Master Key

See, you might do your visualizations, make vision boards till you’re bored, and do other techniques you know to manifest your desires, but in the end, gratitude is the master key.

When you express gratitude, you vibrate at a higher frequency.

A frequency in harmony with your desires. You’re at one with the Universe. Your life is transformed in ways that can only be described as magical!

See, if you don’t appreciate what you’ve already got, then you shut yourself off from all the goodness and abundance that…


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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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